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sq design

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so ive never really found a concrete answer to this, but for sq is a smaller or larger box better? my 15 fi q is in a 4^3 box it is very peaky down low, with kind of weak higher bass(by higher i mean 40-55 not like midbass), and fi says 2.8-4.0 is good. my brothers 12 fi q is in a 1.8/1.9 ^3 box and it says from 1.8-2.5 and it sounds amazing and even from LOWWWW to pretty high.

im assuming the smallest recommended box is good for sq/evenness, and the largest is good for spl/peakiness? (I think i just made up words!)

oh btw we are both tuned about the same(31 for me 32 for him)

Edited by fiq15pwnsnoobs

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To answer your question, typically large boxes yield more output, and increases efficiency. But increase your odds of mechanical failure.

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i understand m5 knows a lot, hes on the tech team, but that doesnt merit rudeness and i think my question is legit along with my title and section

That isn't rudeness, it's site rules. You agreed to them.

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Sorry if I was rude, I just want to know if anyone has experience with the same sub in a smallest vs the largest recommended enclosure and if that affects how even the sound reproduction is, I am not aware of a better thread title or section to post this in.

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If you want even sound reproduction, you should consider switching to a sealed enclosure. The Q flourishes in both types, but sounds far better in the sealed environment.

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I liked it sealed, but the extra ported volume i like. Im not specifically refering to the q but any sub in general, or is this too far from being able to generalize?

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Well certain subs do better in certain enclosures. I'd say 7 times out of 10, the ported will be louder though.

It is a little hard to generalize seeing as there are so many variables to consider.

You could always sell the 15" Q and go with a couple of 10" Q's or ICON's.

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In a ported box, the bigger box WILL create or exaggerate a response peak compared to a smaller box with the same tuning freq. For SQ with a ported setup, you can't say that smaller or larger is better. There is only going to be a very small range of volumes and tunings that will have a balanced sound. Any deviation from that will introduce response anomalies, that detract from the accuracy of system.

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I'm noticing how well a lot of todays subs sound much better in smaller enclosures. Take some space away from your box using some gallon milk jugs and sand and note how it sounds. As far as SQ is concerned, the type of box can also depend on your amp. If you have lots of power to throw at it, you can get away with using a small, sealed box that'll sound great and still thump.

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I'm noticing how well a lot of todays subs sound much better in smaller enclosures.

Have to be careful, some of that is marketing with some companies. But also quite a bit of it is the cheapness of power these days. If you remember Hoffman's Iron Law, it says you can have two of the following three: small box, efficiency, or lowend extension. If you can throw gobs of power at a sub, it doesn't really need to be efficient. So you can lower that so that a smaller box can be used while maintaining the lows.

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