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blue fury

Reconing an hx2 for home use?

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I have an old RF power hx2 10" that I broke, burnt the leads. I have no knowledge of home theater stuff or repairing subs, so what I was thinking is using this sub for my room. Is it possible to buy a recone kit that would make this sub suitable for this? What should I look for? Another question, what mono amp would I use for it?

This is just a little side hobby that Id like to try, so I dont know if Im getting into something that gets really involved. I don't even know if I'll do this because I seem to be always strap for money (or spend it all on my car) but Id like to get some ideas and learn something.

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idk about recones, but im interested in how this would work for a home sub as well. not for movies, mainly just music... what do you other guys think? someone wants to trade me for something, and i might trade.

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your on ca.com to, right? PM Dave from TeamPSI. He can most likely make you up a custom recone to fit whatever you need. He's done it twice for me. :)

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is it a dual 2 ohm sub? If so, you can get a plate amp that'll put out max power at 4 ohms.

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Thanks for the replies, knowing its possible is a step further towards doing it. Wheres a good place online to shop/learn about plate amps?

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I'm most familiar with partsexpress.com.

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I'm most familiar with partsexpress.com.
They do have the largest selection but other places are Madisound, Meniscus and Elemental Designs (they get there amps from Keiga).

The amp you need depends entirely on our design and goals. Some of PE's amps don't output the rated power. Other's have subsonic filters too high for home theater use.


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I have tested the following P/E plate amps into 4 ohm resistive loads-

250 watt plate amp, (the $135 one) 271 watts @ 4 ohms before visible clipping... I have used maybe 10 of these... Talnlanky's amp was the last one I tested...

1000 watt plate amp, 1003 watts @ 4 ohms before visible clipping

500 watt Bash, don't have anything written down, but I know it made its rated power before the onset of visible clipping...

I can't vouge for any of the others....

I think sometimes people say they don't make rated power because of #1 sagging or low AC mains or #2 innacurate output measuring technique... All the P/E amps except the Bash (IIRC) have linear power supplies, if you don't have at least 120V of AC, they won't meet specifications.... I use a 2.5Kw variac with all my bench testing and set it for exactly 120V.

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I joined and posted this on home theater forum a day or so after here and theres been no replies there.

I saw the bash amps but had no idea if they were good or not. I found this one actually right now while looking for the bash amps http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...tnumber=300-808 andfor $350its looking to be the best so far. I just dont want to start off getting something I'll regret because its crap.

Ive been thinking about it, and Ive given myself two options- repair for theater use, or for music and keep it in my room. This is because I dont frequently watch movies in my room, just play music. Plus if I go the music route, I might lend it to my friend in case he wants a little bass around his place during parties.

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that amp is definitely not crap. I have it's little brother, the 500 watter, and it's great.

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Dammit, now I gotta save up for something else :P

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Dammit, now I gotta save up for something else :P

What's that? A new monster sub?

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Already on the list: 2 12" xcons, a saz3k, another big battery, more wiring.

New to the list: Recone kit (or just send the sub it for repair), HSPA1000-r.

I gotta find a better job or find a LOT more couch change quickly

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