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Booming Lex

No warranty on the BTLs ???

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In defence of the OP, he really just made a choice based on what he thought would protect him more. Really no use in making him feal bad about it.

Something to learn from this though is consumerism in action, and how horrible of a state we're in. The OP is already looking at high end "boutique" type audio. Quite a specialized selection out there, but simple because of some fancy warranty wording he got bamboozeled. I have a feeling though, that in this situation it sounds like there is likely to be an issue anyway.

It reminds me of the Chris Farly movie where he says "If you want a warranty, I can sh*t in a box and give you a warranty that it's sh*t" Or something to that effect. It really says it all.

It's all about CS and fi definately has some of the best CS on the planet IMHO

Very well said!!

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i sometimes question a persons knowledge when they ask about puurchasing a BTL. I see a lot of people that know their way around ohm's law that can beat on a BTL for years with no problems. Those are the people that really should be buying them. People that are aware that everything has limits. The BTL is a heavily overbuilt sub. hell, BTL actually stand for Built To Last, but its definitely not bullet proof. In the right hands, you should have no worries of premature failure.

However, I see too many people buying a top of the line sub just because its expensive and bad ass. then they put it in a crappy box with a sub par amp and have poor results. Those are the people that should be concerned with a warranty. they obviously still have some things to learn and are likely to damage some equipment doing so. you dont get out of drivers ed and jump into a ferrari. work your way up the audio ranks learning as you go.

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