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box appearance redo

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So, I am getting ready to buy a box from a friend that is made for a 2008 F150 super crew (which is what i have)...however, the box is carpeted in a fuzzy gray carpeting and my interior is black. Is it ok to just rip the carpet off and recarpet it? Also, if I decided I didnt want to recarpet in black, is it ok to sand the parts of the box that you will see down some, apply some light layers of resin to harden it, sand it down and paint it? I have never done this, but I think it will give the nicest look.


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Yes and sort of.

Not so sure I'd put resin on it, much, much, much easier to sand wood than resin. If you need to fill holes use a wood filler or bondo instead.

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Thanks for the quick reply M5....okay then, i will probably just fill any holes then sand and paint the front of it. Probably be a lot easier and cheaper to do this anyhow.

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It isn't trivial to get something nice enough to paint. It has to be smoother than a babies ass. If you can feel any seams with your fingers at all they will be extremely visible in the paint.

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