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what electrical upgrades to do ?

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I have about 1200 watts rms of power (1 sub and 2 speakers) in my car : one saz 1000 and (soon) an sax 50.4 bridged to my comp set.

My power and ground are 0 gauge.

I will very soon do the big 3 with all 0 ga.

I would like to have more electrical power, in order to have maybe a 1500 or a 2000 watts amp for a next sub.

What would be better ?

Add a second battery in the trunk ? XS or Kinetic, like the small one they make for Honda civic.

Or just replace the battery under the hood with a bigger one? always XS or Kinetic.

I don't want to have a HO alternator, so I will keep the one I got. I don't remember how much amp it is, but my car has a Diesel engine, so the alternator is more powerful than a regular one. (hope I'm not wrong!!!).

Please help me !

what can I do to play with engine off without using the hood battery if I use 2 batteries ?


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If you want to play your system with the car off, you'll need an isolator or a solenoid to switch off the main battery an onto your secondary one.

While we're on the topic of secondary batteries, a honda civic sized one will do nothing for you, both with the car on and especially with it off.

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I don't want to play with the car off for hours at high volume.!

Maybe just one hour at mid volume!!

Anyway, you suggest a big battery, even for secondary. Can you explain why, please?

What would you do? One, two?

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Buying two small batteries wont help you if you plan on playing your vehicle with the car off, you need to pick some batteries with some good AH(amp hours) and a good RC(Reserve Capacity) on it so they will keep up for how long you plan on playing it. Read into batteries and what they do and you will understand.

Edited by jay-cee

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I never liked electricity in school!

I ask these questions after a few readings, not enough though. Sorry!

I need to go learn a few more things!!!


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In résumé, what would be a good electrical upgrade for my car? without buying a ho alternator.

Forget the fact that I want to play with engine off.

1) stock battery + a second in the trunk(which one?)

2) 2 new batteries : one under the hood, one in the trunk (the most expensive solution)

3) just a big one under the trunk (which one)

I know my informations are not complete, sorry, but I have to check the stock battery and the stock alt.

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