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so im buying this amp an i was gonna buy a 0-scope to set my amp gains. but since there's a clip light will that allow me to set the gains as high as they'll go without sendin a clipped signal.? kinda like what an o-scope would do an tell me when the signal was gettin clipped?

Edited by wayneo99

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I personally wouldnt trust the light to set the gains, what sub/s are you gonna run because that amp can put out 2200+ and you might not need to throw all that power at the sub/s.

theres a sticky in this section about setting gains, an oscope wouldnt hurt but at the same time you can get by without it as well.

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Definitely not. Sort of like saying an idiot light is just as good as an oil pressure guage.

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I personally wouldnt trust the light to set the gains, what sub/s are you gonna run because that amp can put out 2200+ and you might not need to throw all that power at the sub/s.

theres a sticky in this section about setting gains, an oscope wouldnt hurt but at the same time you can get by without it as well.

ill be usin 2 fi bl. they'll take the 2200d very nicely.

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well, considering it works, i dont see why not.

I have personally scoped my amp and sat and watched the remote module to see how forgiving the clip light is...

Hehe, the light starts to come in dimmed before i can visually see a clipped wave on the oscope.

Just a hair more and the light is in full red and a clipped wave has just barely formed on the scope so it is not forgiving at all which is good!

What u would want(this is just for the gain, nothing else) is set the gain on the amp at 75% of the way up but the remote module ALL THE WAY DOWN.

Then when playing music, you can turn the remote gain up until it starts clipping as that's it's max safe level.

Now, you can run it if the light is flashing, it shouldnt harm nothing but when that light stays red... it's gonna start heatin up those coils in a matter of seconds if it stays like that so don't put it in that kind of scenario.

light clipping is ok, flashing is ok, but a constant red light whether it's solidly red or low dimmed, as long as it's on the whole time, THAT'S BAD.

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