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Need some help in chosing

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Ok well with my b-day coming and tax season around to corner I will be coming into a few extra grand to play with. SO I was playing with sealing off the trunk of the car and firing the sub into the cabin, thinking of going with 3-10's or a single 18. right, now I have a single BL 15 on 2.5k. my goal for the project is to be louder and make my trunk more usable then it is now. Before I go and spend this kind of money I want to make sure I do everything the right way the first time so I call upon you guys for some suggestions on what to go with for the project

Edited by 144dbFiBl15

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Going to need a little more info on your ride. I dont know if you put it in some other thread, but you have provided very little on this one.

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sry I was half sleepin on that last one.....no my question is have any of you guys had any real success with triple 10 set ups?? and if so how did that compare to something like a single 18 or 2 12's. As of right now I am leaning t words 3 SSD 10's, but I am totally open to any other brand you guys have had good success with. my main goal for this project is a daily 2.5k ground pounder that will allow me to have a trunk but still pull off a hair trick. I have only had this BL 15 so if their is anything else out their that will do the job at a reasonable price I want to know bout it

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In order to give a recommendation on a driver that might work in the setup you asked about, we should know how big your available trunk space is. And what kind of car do you have?

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I drive an 04 ford Taurus the max width is 38 inches between wheel wells 18 inches tall and 44 deep ....... im looking at 2 12s with stats of 612$ to buy/ 960cm3 of cone area 2000 - 2800 wrms of power and box size of 3.0 too 5.0 cubes OR 3 10's with stats of 930cm3/ 609 to buy/ 2400 - 3000 wrms, and 2.7 to 4.5 cubes for the box sooo im kinda stuck between those.....but again I am totally open to your guys suggestions on what to do here should I seal off the trunk and fire into the cabin what the pros and cons of doing this, I want this to all work right the first time.

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