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Don Ganso

BL 15 box build

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I got a question what is that in the middle of the front baffle of the box. I actually stole your idea today and it saved me a few bucks, went to put my jack back in my bag were I keep it with my jumper cables. I noticed that they were bent since they were a cheap pair so I just cut the ends off and Im gonna use it for my subwoofers cable, the funny thing about it is that the wire is 9ft. long which is exactly I much I was gonna order. :drink40:

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I got a question what is that in the middle of the front baffle of the box. I actually stole your idea today and it saved me a few bucks, went to put my jack back in my bag were I keep it with my jumper cables. I noticed that they were bent since they were a cheap pair so I just cut the ends off and Im gonna use it for my subwoofers cable, the funny thing about it is that the wire is 9ft. long which is exactly I much I was gonna order. :drink40:

Middle of the front baffle... you mean the black spot? I was going to spray the Fi logo on there in some metallic silver so that it went with the chrome on the dustcap, but I couldn't find a decent picture from which to make a stencil, so I took one off the internet that had the AA logo in it too and just cut it out in paint (the program). However, even though I blew up the finished product to cover most of that space, (the oval is 5x8.5), it still printed tiny. I really didn't think that the sticker that came with the sub would stick to the paint well, so I later painted a crescent moon, (Moon is my last name), in the oval in the same metallic that I originally had!

Edited by Don Ganso

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Ok, well show a picture of the creativity with the moon.

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On its way. Unfortunately, dial-up is bogus, so it might not be on 'till tomorrow.

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No problem man, take your time just messing with you. Did you put the box in the car today and listen to it or do you just have everything finished ready to be installed?

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Had it in the car since last thursday and have been trying to get pics up. That's how slow dial-up is.

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Ok, here we are

This is what I started with;


10" Cerwin-Vega VMAX in 1ish cuft around 36Hz with a too-small port.

My new BL!!!!


There's that chrome moon in the middle... Kinda a crooked/sketchy-looking idea.

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What an upgrade man, glad to see the final design :woot: . How is it treating you?

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What an upgrade man, glad to see the final design :woot: . How is it treating you?

It's like if your GF likes it rough and your all like "this is going to be awesome!" but then she ends up beating the crap out of you. That's what it's like.

But in a good way.

Edited by Don Ganso

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You know... The Fi site says the sub can take a pounding but it ends up given one back...

Geez, anything I say now is gonna sound super kinky. :ban2:

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Haha :drink40:

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Now on the prowl for a used SAZ-1000D, and there is one for sale in the classifieds section...

Now on the prowl for the money... lol

Now on the prowl for someone looking for a 10" Cerwin Vega VMAX... I'll help design/build the box for it...

Now stopping this prowling :bull:

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