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Fi Q options

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I'm going to be purchasing a new 12" Fi Q when they come available on the 31st. I'm going to be running it on 500rms in a sealed box. Would any of the many options available be helpful to get, in this application? If so, which ones. Obviously I'm getting the High Qts model. I'm talking about the other options. :)

Thanks guys for any input.

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since your only running 500w to it then its really up to you if you want to include the extra features. But i would get the cooling just in case :captain:

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Options would always help the resale value if you ever decide to sell it and try something new.

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Honestly..a High QTS ssd will do whatever you need to do with 500 watts...

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Honestly..a High QTS ssd will do whatever you need to do with 500 watts...

Awesome! i have never seen anyone try to under sale for their company. can't wait until the buy option is on the Q's page.

Is the tech page for the Q going to be updated soon? that should give us all the information we need

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