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Home audio idiot here....I would like some ideas

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Ok, I don't know anything about home audio to start out with, so keep that in mind with your responses please.

Ok I have 2 RE, RE 12's (DVC 4ohm) and a pair of CDT EF-61 6.5" components (05 model) I would like to make a dorm room setup, yes to make matters worse, the signal is coming out of a COMPUTER. I have a M audio 5.1 sound card (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16829121122) This is the card if you are wondering.

Ok, I am wondering what type of enclosure to put (I am thinking only one of the RE's) in. I can build anthing out of wood that I need to, just don't have much experience about the finer aspects of box building, but a wood shop is nothing new to me. I know for a vehicle the CDT's need about .3ft^3 and 100wrms. I am not sure about for outside of a vehicle though.

So I need recomendations on amps for them, and what type of enclosures to make for the sub/subs.

Please keep in mind this is on a college students budget, I can't give you an amount, because it is flexible for quality. Please try to keep recomendations as cheap as possibe. I also have a Profile HA1000 amp lying around (240x2 @2ohms), but I don't really want to do the computer power supply mod to use it inside my room.

Thanks for any help


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Also, If you have some recomendations of items I should use other than what I have and just sell the RE's and CDT's, Please voice your opinion.

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I have another question also...

How many watts should I thorw at the sub, the 220wrms per sub I was using in my truck, or something less.

Also, I don't know a whole lot about folded horn encolsures, would this be a possible an application for one?


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Ok, I have some more questions...Dang, I'm just full of them.

I have been looking at receivers for awhile now, and wondering, how many are 4ohm stable, I was wondering if most were, just didn't say it, or 4ohm stability is sometihng I would have to luck out to find.

Would CDT EF-61's sound good in a room, or should I just sell them and buy something from Dayton and make stylish boxes (which I was going to have to do anyway, but...)

I was wondering this because it seems like people get excellent sound (from what I've read) for cheap.

One last question for now, if the receiver has a sub preout, do I need another amp for the sub? (stupid question)

Thanks Alot for Any Help


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