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Do I need a recone?

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Purchased two D2 SA-12's about 6 months ago or so. The guy I bought them from bought them in Jan or Feb this year (2010) and they were re-coned with aluminum coils. I've just recently got a new amp and had everything completed then one crapped out on me. One coil is reading 2ohms, the other is around 2.8 and fluctuates. I'm just really disappointed this happen as I never put too much power them then, could it just be a result of a bad recone in the past? I'd like to get this back up and running asap.

Thanks for any info :)

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When you say the 2.8 fluctuates, what exactly does it measure?

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What was the new amp?

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I took picture of it at 2.79 but it's not very steady.

The amp I just got is a kicker 2500, wired to 2ohms.

Edited by M.C.BOB

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The aluminum 8-layer coils are quad-wound like most flat 8-layers -- if part of the coil goes out it would read 4 ohms (half open), 0 ohms (short), or no connection (both open).

So it won't be a coil issue reading 2.8 -- it is either the terminal, a solder joint, or the leads themselves.

I would check the lead wires next to the cone for burns.

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Does the sub still work at all?

When I tested it yesterday it did not work at all.

The aluminum 8-layer coils are quad-wound like most flat 8-layers -- if part of the coil goes out it would read 4 ohms (half open), 0 ohms (short), or no connection (both open).

So it won't be a coil issue reading 2.8 -- it is either the terminal, a solder joint, or the leads themselves.

I would check the lead wires next to the cone for burns.

When you say leads are you taking about what I have circled here....


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yep, what you have circled there....

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Went ahead and checked it out tonight while I have it out of the box. Neither coil is reading 2ohms now. Tested it from the posts and the main leads, still not reading 2ohms. No burns or anything, looks perfect. Wired it to 4ohms, and it's reading around 1.8

I noticed when reading one of the coils if I push the sub to the side a bit it'll jump up to 5ohms, then slowly drop down.

Edited by M.C.BOB

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sounds like there's problems where the leads meet the coil in the center. What size enclosure and what was the tuning?

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Sound like you need a re-cone -- I have sold very very few D2 alum subs so those are probably the first two judging by the gray frames. We've got some tricks to make them more even more durable since.

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