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what do ya think about soundstream

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I'm always so lucky. once I got a jbl 15wgti,a $600 sub, at a pawn shop for $70. they had it in a crappy box and didnt know what they had. Then a couple months ago I bought a soundstream tarantula tr880/2 for $300 in the box. now I have a soundstream splx 12.

I've been to 3 comps and I never see ss in the lanes. But every comp I've been to was a local comp, maybe 15-20 car competeing. Has any one seen anything impressive come from ss. I've seen the xxx. but what about as far as number wise. any impressive cars with soundstream. so far I'm not impressed with the splx 12. thinking about switching brands. I know the amp is good to keep but the ss subs may need to go. I can't afford a xxx.


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