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Arizona Fire smoking out Albuquerque

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The fire has been filling Albuquerque with thick ass smoke and ashes falling like snow at times for almost a week now! It's pretty bad and the air quality is poor.


The second pic between the trees i usually have a clear view of downtown Albuquerque.


Here is what It looks like without the smoke


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Wow that is nuts!

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yea man, few yrs ago i drove down to south florida right when Georgia and half of Florida was on fire...

ALL major interstates were shutdown from georgia to Miami! imagine my road trip.. freakin back roads for over 600miles...

I couldnt really breathe outside it was so bad.. it would choke me up it was so suffocating.

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Camera does not pic it up but it is worse than it looks. Can feel it in my throat and lungs it sucks i have to work in this shit at night and it gets worse when the air cools more smoke and ash fall, Ive never seen it like this, the winds are really bad lately fueling this fire and bringing smoke this way. Expected to have this for the rest of the week.

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Damn that's crazy. Nada here :ughdunno:

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