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4-Channel Cutting Out.

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Alright, so i own a PG Ti. 500.4 and my speakers will randomly seem to cut in and out. All of a sudden only 1 speaker in my car will be working, and at other times all 4 will work. Now i went back and checked my amp, it seems that the aux inputs are the problem. When i wiggle them around a bit, unplug them and plug them back in they all work. They will work for like a week and then start cutting out again. I actually ended up taking the cover off and looking at the solder points on the amp where the inputs are and they seem to be fine. Should i just like... tape the wires in place so that they dont move? Idk what else to do.

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Sounds as though the center of the input that clamps around the pin could be a little worn out. If you can get to it with a pick or small screwdriver you might be able to bend them back in a little and get a better connection. If that's not possible then taping it is about the only solution. If the RCA's on the amp are a little worn out you should be able to recreate the problem by wiggling them, if not then your problem lies elsewhere IMO. Try bending and messing the the RCA cables themselves, grab/pull/yank on the speaker wires as well in various locations you can get to them to make sure you don't have something wrong in that area. You could also switch the RCA's around and see if it changes the speakers it happens on. If it does change then it's in the RCA cables, your HU or anywhere in between, if not then it could possibly be in the amp itself.

Hope that's at least a little help.

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Ok, After trying out plugging the RCA's into different inputs, i found out that i THINK the RCA cables are worn, along with the amp itself. Kind of like a piston and its cylinder. Most of the speakers will cut in and out if connected with their correct inputs. But if i switch them around, rear cables to front input, and front cables to rear input. All the speakers work? So i guess its best off to say i need to buy some new cables and everything will be ok.

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Try bending in the outer shells on your RCAs to allow them to better grip the input on the amp.

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Yeah Vic iv tried that, TBH they have killer grip on the outside, its only the pin that has the wear on it.

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Ok, so iv rewired my RCA's for the first time (fun stuff) and it has seemed to fix the problem.. Ill only truly know if it fixed it once i go driving back and forth from college for a couple of days. If it hasn't worked.... Then ill try to bend the RCA inputs on the amp like Alton suggested. If it keeps doing it... looks like its time to fix my amp.. I really dont want to replace it at the moment because of my funds, and iv heard very good things about it. So i might as well try and fix it.

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Update: They have started to cut in and out again, im trying to figure out what Alton said about bending back the female RCA connector? But im not really sure how im gonna go about doing that, do i go in from the back? or the front? I dont want to mess this up. lol

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