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Sa8 recone options and box suggestion

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I am picking up 3 SA8 motors and would like get some baskets and recones for them. I'm wondering what my options are, since I've seen v1 and v1.5. I'll be running these off an saz-1500d in a town car with a 240 amp alt, deka starting battery, deka 9a31 in the trunk, big 3, 1/0 wiring throughout etc... I want to wire these to .66 and want to know how big of a box I should go with and how much port area I need. This will be a daily driver, and will be turned down most of the time. I was thinking 2 cu ft net tuned to 34 with 30-35 sq in of port area. I looked in another thread and the recones were listed as $32 and baskets were $10, let me know if those prices are still good.

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So i've been working on dimensions and box calculations and here is what I've come up with so far.

Box outer dimensions with double baffle

41"wide, 10.5"tall, 17.875"deep

gross box volume 3.214 cu ft

sub displacement .08*3=.24 cu ft

Slot port tuned to 33.6 hz 39.7"

slot port volume .827 cu ft

slot port wall displacement .14 cu ft

total port displacement .96 cu ft

3.21 gross box volume

-.24 sub displacement

-.96 port volume

-.02 for 2 vertical dowels 1.5" diameter

-.01 for front wall to port wall dowel 1.5"

-.015 for front wall to back wall dowel 1.5"

-.04 45'd corners

1.925 cu ft net tuned to 33.6hz

.64 per sub

500-550 watts per sub

Which is right in line with Jacob's power vs box size post.

Edited by hondakilla98

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