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Fi SSD 10 for Home Use

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Have any of you used an SSD 10 for home subwoofer use and does it work well.

I have a high quality 2 channel stereo system at home and use a subwoofer to fill in the bottom end. My present sub has an RE Audio SR10 dual 2 ohm driver and a 500 watt rms amplifier. I am wondering if I would get an improvement by using a Fi SSD 10 dual 2 ohm driver. It would be used in a sealed enclosure to get best quality bass and be the high QTS version.

Any opinions would be welcome.

I am a bit confused about cabinet size as I keep seeing different optimum box sizes quoted, ideally I would like to know what the HQTS actually is so that I can model it in WIN ISD. I assume all other T&S parameters remain the same and only the QTS is changed.

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10" sub vs 10" sub... well sure they will sound different but would it really be better? Both nice subs to use but I would think outside the box. Actually forget the box and be in the box. FI IB3 should be much better for sound quality if you can cut a hole in your listening area/house. 500w rms is plenty of power for 2 18" IB3's. smaller subs might not sound better and the output is going to suck unless you get a bunch of them. I own a 4 IB3 18" line array in a 2200 cubic foot room. Still blows me away with movies and secret low end in songs. ex. Dead Wrong> Biggie. Most music does not go that low to fully use the IB for just music.

You could just put a 12" FI Q in a large sealed box.

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