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rl-i 8 and transmission line

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i need help designing a TL box for my rl-i 8 to go under the seat of my silverado. i've finally decided upon this as what i want to do...

i will give it 500wrms from a memphis mc500d.....

mike or kyle...HELLLLLPPPP!!

will a 3" round port be enough or will that even work? i want to keep it lookin like a typical ported box, but ala bose wavelength...i want a good number without sacrificing sq...i need to prove a point to a friend who says the only loud 8 is the L7...

i look forward to replies.....i'll get some measurements after i get the rear seat back in (took the 18 solo x and ma audio hk4000d out).

let me know what kinda room i need and stuff...please...and i'll forever :bow28: in ur presence..... :hay::Doh::bigok:

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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If you get plans i wouldnt mind making a TL for my e8a ;)

I have 2 2" ports and i still get some nasty port noise

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If you get plans i wouldnt mind making a TL for my e8a  ;)

I have 2 2" ports and i still get some nasty port noise

sounds like a plan to me.

if i have too, i will go 4". but i was thinking

1) for room, the 3" would be better

2)if i have to go slot, i don't know if i'll have enough room.

we shall see...lol...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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well...mine are more like 2.25"

But they arent flared :(

I'm not sure what the hell you guys are talking about with 2 and 3 inch ports bc if you want to make a TL you shouldn't taper much more than 1.3 to .85 (this is measured in SD with the beginning starting larger than the end) the more drastic taper the more boomy it will be (kinda like a high tuning on a large ported box).

To figure out how long the quarter wavelength is take the speed of sound divided by 4x the fs

So 342meters per second/ 115.6 is 2.95meters in length. That 2.95 is the length of your t-line when it is unstuffed (assuming no taper 1sd start to 1sd end) the more taper the longer the line appears to the driver.

Poly fill makes nearly Zero difference in making the line appear longer but for some reason acoustistuff does, wool is the best, fiberglass works too. Assume that if you stuff .7lbs to each cubic foot you will increase perceived length by 25-30%

So if you want to make a good sounding t-line try tapering from 1.1sd to .9sd at 89 inches long (I did the math for you!)

here is what I did for my ID max (1.25sd to .95) turned out too boomy but it goes subterreanean deep and stupid loud, fills up 2000sf house no problem very few room modes.





hope that helped

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kent you know if you build this and it works out I am going to probably immitate it, since I had thought about doing this in the past and I am going to have to find a smaller lower power solution for Amanda

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kent you know if you build this and it works out I am going to probably immitate it, since I had thought about doing this in the past and I am going to have to find a smaller lower power solution for Amanda

i think a lot of us are waiting to find suitable plans to build such an enclosure

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kent you know if you build this and it works out I am going to probably immitate it, since I had thought about doing this in the past and I am going to have to find a smaller lower power solution for Amanda

i think a lot of us are waiting to find suitable plans to build such an enclosure

I've got plans for a pair of 8's in a tline modeled after my ADS 3 series. They have a higher fs so the plans wouldn't work.

I'd draw up some plans for a single RLP 8 if ya all want, prob something like the photos I posted already. I like the driver to fire out of the same side as the port. But as far as getting it underneath a seat with lots of curves and stuff that will be really hard to plan in advance.

I think a fiberglass TL under a seat would be super sick.

I've seen plans for 8 8's in a tl that fits into an extended cab truck! that would be sweet.

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kent you know if you build this and it works out I am going to probably immitate it, since I had thought about doing this in the past and I am going to have to find a smaller lower power solution for Amanda

i think a lot of us are waiting to find suitable plans to build such an enclosure

I've got plans for a pair of 8's in a tline modeled after my ADS 3 series. They have a higher fs so the plans wouldn't work.

I'd draw up some plans for a single RLP 8 if ya all want, prob something like the photos I posted already. I like the driver to fire out of the same side as the port. But as far as getting it underneath a seat with lots of curves and stuff that will be really hard to plan in advance.

I think a fiberglass TL under a seat would be super sick.

I've seen plans for 8 8's in a tl that fits into an extended cab truck! that would be sweet.

hook me up with the plans, please!! i'm extremely anxious to get this done...be it FG or mdf...i just need plans..lol...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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