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ive been on this particular system(minus the subs) for a few months, got a design from Alton, built it, put subs in, went and competed..and won which is nuts.

This was just a local show Senchez here in Johnson City. The shop that puts these on has decided this year to go to ALL the different local shops in three cities one at a time for their competitions. I guess to get more people to come out. I live in an area called the tri-cities and all 3 cities are within 30 min of each other. Pretty cool idea acutally

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I need to ask a question and hope its not stupid. For NUMBERS would I be better off with the 4ft^3 per sub with 160 sq in of port OR 3.5ft^3 with 200 sq in of port?

what would the difference be between the two? fyi, im at 4 with 160 in the box I competed in. My sweet spot is 32hz which I know is super low for competition tuning.


Edit-Copied this from my other thread just to get as many inputs as possible-

Thanks guys, yes they are ported to 32hz. Tearz, im right at 148 now and I discovered one of my amp gains were down a little for that competition. So im HOPING with time, proper tuning and a little more sound deadener ill be at 150. And correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure I could build a comp box at say 45hz and do the 150 now? I could be wayyyy off but I was thinking I was told its much easier to get loud at higher tunings?


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