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Angled connetors

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Do you like the new 45 degree angled connectors or the straight out connectors?

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Most people who install amps install them on a flooring that extends past the feet of any device forcing the cabling to want to fray out of the inserts due to tension.


Large cable(1/0) being bent at a 45 degree angle within 1" distance forever isn't satisfying to me.. 

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I would run a set of these, if my amp had the angled inputs...



But no- for the reason stated above- I don't like them....

But that adds more money to the price of the amp and I don't see what the angled connector gain you!


Unless you are running less then 1/0 wire.

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the angled connector is beneficial if you are going to be hiding your wire.


This would mean your angled cables would penetrate through the flooring the amp is mounted on and run to wherever.


Many installs can't be done like this for various reasons and i believe the installs that can't\don't run their cables like that outweighs those installs that can or do by a large margin.


Technically, even in my big builds, i could do that.. but it would hinder how i build and mount my own fuse blocks for easy access.

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agreed with Shizz, If you're stacking multiples of the amps its nice it keeps the wires looking neat although.

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I was told you could tighten the angled ones better.

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I was told you could tighten the angled ones better.

I dont see how angled or straight would make a difference both just use the hex bolt to tighten it down, both of them are the same size opening as well.


I personally hate Angled because I can only insert my 1/0 wire then screw down my amp, and in the process the jacket slides off the wire and exposes some of it.

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