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Total newbie here

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Well maybe not totally. I joined back in 2003 when the site came back up. I took about a 15 year hiatus from car audio. Spent some time in college, spent some time on my career, spent a little time on life. Now I'm in a comfortable spot in life where I have the time for treating my car like a toy again. So I figure why not stop back by one of the best forums I remember.

I'm Alex, from northern illinois, the only older piece of equipment I still have is an old blown Avionixx AXT800.2 so don't expect to see any OG gear haha. 

I'm still a noob, hoping to gain as much knowledge as I can as quickly as I can about newer gear and doing a simple install in my boring '23 Forester.

PS excuse all the numbers in the name, I was really young when I made this screen name, admin please lemme know if its possible to change this nonsense :Doh:

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Welcome back.

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Definitely should be fun learning all the new brands and ways that car audio has changed over the years. Glad you're back 

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