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need help with box build

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ive been using subwoofertools.com to help me figure out what my dimensions are going to be, but i have a problem. My max dims are 36x24x12, which correct me if im wrong is 6 cubes. but i cant ever get the depth to be close enough to 12 inches for it to work. id like the box to be about 4.5 cubes at around 34 hz. the closest design ive come to is 4^3 at 34hz, but that is with the xmax part at 16...

im really frustrated right now.

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I don't quite understand your problem. What exactly can and can't you do?

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basically everytime it designs a box for me, it is over 12 inches deep...

try REs site if your lazy, but if you can download winisd, or get your hands on bassbox pro. They are pretty nice for designing boxes.

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i actually tried out re's deal this morning when i woke up, the specs are going to be 3.8^3 56.25^2 inches of port at 34hz.

how accurate is re's box calculator? and does that seem pretty decent for a fully loaded 15?

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