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Alright ... dual Shiva's ... amp = Arc 1500D-R.

Right now they're firing upwards in 1.25 cubes per driver. I'm pleased with their performance, but I personally think they can do a bit more.

I've tried 1 cube per driver, 1.25/driver, and 1.5/driver all sealed, with and without polyfill. I stuck with the 1.25/driver with polyfill just because that's what sounded the best to me.

I've also tried 1.75/driver ported to 24hz. Wasn't too bad.

Keep in mind they are firing upwards. It's a Chevy 2500HD ... big truck, four door, custom center console ... woofers in the back half of the truck firing upwards. Bucket seats in the back if you can picture it ... the console divides the truck in half and runs from the dash back to the rear cabin wall.

I was thinking of downfiring ... thoughts and opinions ? Other box sizes to try ?

If you haven't guess by my signature ... I am going for sound quality here, and will be competing the odd few times this year.

Any help appreciated.

- Steve

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If you are looking for pure SQ, I suggest much bigger. A minimum of 2 feet with 2 pounds of polyfill per driver. Bring the gains way down. You will need ~250 watts to bottom them in this big enclosure.

At 1.25 you are looking at I would guess off the top of my head ~.85 QTC. They are snappy in 1.25 (as I had a pair of them upfiring in my Buick like that with ~425 apiece), butt a bit boomy I felt...


They really become very warm and natural at around 1.8 or so, and develop a frightening bottom end. They get absolutely crushing. It seems to me that in a truck with an upfiring enclosure and little reflective reinforcement that extention would be important in an RTA situation. However, the comps best get down and dirty to 60-65 Hz to add that snap.

Not having put them in a truck before I cannot say for sure, but in car and in home I have found them exceptional at 2 feet with right at 250-300 watts per.

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I do have MDF laying around here, so I'll do 2 cubes/driver with your suggested 2lbs/driver of polyfill.

I'll set everything flat and re adjust everything tomorrow once the glue is cured.

So downfiring isn't a good idea ?

Thanks for all of the help. Appreciate it.

I still think dual B10's would be nice :P

- Steve

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Personally I have never been impressed by downfiring in a car. Granted I have really only heard 3 or 4 setups but I don't ever recall a flat responce. There always seemed to be cancellation.

I have heard a few audiophiles who like the Shiva in a smaller box, but I always enjoyed them best in big boxes.

Dual B10s would be awesome (and we may be able to work out a deal if you are serious) but I think in a short time I may have something you will like a bit better... Just give me a bit...

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Dual B10's would be unreal ...

However, I am going to hold off until I can check out this new 'thing' from Adire. :)

- Steve

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Lower that Qtc boy

Too much peak for SQ...deaden the living crap out of your truck and break out the Bessel alignment :) Nothing like transient perfect if you have a low enough noise floor.

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Lower that Qtc boy

Too much peak for SQ...deaden the living crap out of your truck and break out the Bessel alignment :) Nothing like transient perfect if you have a low enough noise floor.

It's deadened beyond belief.

Picking new subs is a hard choice. I think running nothing but horns would work quite well for a while.

- Steve

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Lower that Qtc boy

Too much peak for SQ...deaden the living crap out of your truck and break out the Bessel alignment :) Nothing like transient perfect if you have a low enough noise floor.

It's deadened beyond belief.

Picking new subs is a hard choice. I think running nothing but horns would work quite well for a while.

- Steve

1 Brahma 15 + 3.0 cube tuned to about 25Hz = :D

just a thought


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1 Brahma 15 + 3.0 cube tuned to about 25Hz = :D

just a thought


Yay. Another idea to think about.


- Steve :P

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We are ready to begin a new line, The Koda subwoofer line.

Kodas are going to be an entry level XBL2 driver. Rough estimates are from $175-225 per unit. The first release (just awaiting shipping cartons) are the Koda 10s. The units are similar in scope to the Shiva, 17MM Xmax, small/medium size enclosures. My buddy who works at Adire has heard them in .5 feet or so, and said the 10s will work a Shiva for it's depth in the small bpx, but maintain the amazing transparency inherant in an XBL2 driver.

Obviously efficiency is better on the Kodas than the Brahmas, but I expect them to be close to the Shiva. On that note, I expect Pmax to be similar to the Shiva as well.

Information is not formally released yet, but I am allowed a teaser, and this is it. We are expecting availability as soon as shipping crate designs come available (looks VERY close guys). 10s are fired up and ready to go. We are going to be running additional lines in the near future. Sizes will be made public when I can. As soon as more information is allowed to be released, and press photos have been taken, I will forward them on to you, at Steve's request.

Another teaser for you, right from Adire's website...

Soon to be accompanied with other midbass, midrange, and even tweeter options our Car Audio driver offerings are rapidly expanding

In the immortal words of Mills Lane..."Let's get it on!!!"

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Guess I'll just have to wait then.

Make a 15, and I'm there. Don't, no big deal ... might have to try 10's :)

Thanks for the update --- guess I'm going to have to really keep up to date on this.

- Steve

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Guess I'll just have to wait then.

Make a 15, and I'm there. Don't, no big deal ... might have to try 10's :)

Thanks for the update --- guess I'm going to have to really keep up to date on this.

- Steve

Expect the 10s really soon. I expect an update within the next couple days. Adire is preparing press and website info right now. Some drivers are in the hands of some local Seattle area Adire dealers. The dealers are giving RAVE reviews.

As more information becomes available I will pass it on to you, either in the public forum, or in a PM Steve. I know you have been waiting for a while on this, but at the same time I don't want to spam the forum.

Don't be surprised if you see bigger drivers in the future. I am not sure when they will be released, but as info comes available, I will share.

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And @ $175-225 / driver .... it's not bad at all.

- Steve

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