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Looking to do a sick budget install

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I'm new here, and after describing what i was looking for(a cheap priced 18 that could perform) at another forum, i was told about the mj-18.

I've been looking and reading for a few hours now and this sub looks like it fits the bill. Slighty more $ per sub than originally planned, but it seems that the extra quality and service more than makes up for it.

Here's the plan. I'd like to do 4 mj-18's in my 1st gen 4dr. s10 blazer. I'm loosing the rear seat so i have everything from behind the front seats to play with for space. The subs will see 2000-2300 watts together. I would like to port the box no lower than 30, but no higher than 35.

I see that 4.5 is the rec size per sub ported. Is this right or should it be bigger? I'm not looking for numbers at higher freq., just a demented ground pounder. Something that'll loosen teeth.lol

I also see that they're rated at 600 watts rms. Since they'll be seeing close to it, possibley a little more with an alt. upgrade, should i be worried about playing them hard?

I need something that will get completly sick, but have the ability to last. 1st system was all fosgate, then i went to an re 18hc with about 1300 watts from my tsunami. It pounded serious wang, but i want the new system to totally own it.

I listen to rock, metal, and alot of rap for the big bass. I'd say 80/20 rap/rock-metal.

Looking for some advice. Any concerns, or opinions are welcome. With zero knowledge of this sub, i come to you.

One more thing, all the subs would be firing up. Not sure on the port(s) yet. Should i be worried about cancelation. My hc fired up as well as the port, but that's cause i didn't have the space to go any other way. Box was supposed to end up as a wall, but when the 2nd vehicle died, so did that plan.

Edited by chuey_316

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Hi there, and welcome.

Sounds like an interesting plan. The 4.5 cube recommendation is good for music lovers - hits low enough and doesn't sound muddy doing it. Add a couple of batts of insulation (R20) to absorb a bit of backwave and you will be rocking.

The power you plan to apply to them is fine. Cancellation? Doubt it.



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Hi there, and welcome.

Sounds like an interesting plan. The 4.5 cube recommendation is good for music lovers - hits low enough and doesn't sound muddy doing it. Add a couple of batts of insulation (R20) to absorb a bit of backwave and you will be rocking.

The power you plan to apply to them is fine. Cancellation? Doubt it.



Thanks Mark. I'm pretty sure(just about positive) that theese subs are for me. I'm lookin for a system With good response on different type of music that'll knock your head off when it drops it.

You speak of add some r20 to absorb the backwaves. How much larger would each sub need to go without it, but still retain smoe sq? I have more space to work with, and can probley go 5 cubes each.

Thanks again for the help. If this works out the way i hope it does, then everyone here will know the name mach 5, just like they all now know re.

EDIT: I just noticed on the mach 5 website that the 4ohm subs are not in stock. Are they still making them? I hope so.

Edited by chuey_316

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Ok, i see the shop here at ssa is back up now, and they're in stock. An extra $25, but that's not that bad. Still a good deal. If mach 5 gets them back in stock i'll save the $25 to go towards the box materials, but if not then i still can't beat 4 18's for $425.

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If you go with 5 cubes, then don't worry about the space taken up by the tube or driver.

SSA includes shipping in the price so that's the difference.



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Yeah, 425. shipped from ssa, and 399.xx shipped from mach 5. Like i said though, an extra $25 isn't really a big deal, since it is 4 good 18's for that low of a price.

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Just to reiterate before i stop looking at other sub choices. 4 of these ported @30-35hz with 2300-2400 watts *should* be much louder and hit much harder than my single hc.

The hc was in 7.8 cube net tuned to 37 i believe and it was in the high 140's low 150's with music of off ~1300 watts from my tsunami.

New amp will most probley be a planet audio tt-2250, or a Power Acoustik a3000db.

Sorry about all the ?'s but i like to be sure that i'm making the best choice before i buy things.

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Hi ya chuey,

for the box size, if you have space for more then 4.5 cubes per that would nice. You can always shrink the box by adding wood, much easier then trying to increase the box. As for power, IKESound has some of the '06 model Merlins cheap and an MD3 for the MJ's would be a very clean pairing. I really like the MJ personally, and love it sealed, but need to try it ported. But for of them with good clean power will be unreal.

As for the pricing on the Mach5 subs on the shop now, Mark did some module correction and the shipping is not part of the initial price is now added on, so your end price will be lower now.

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Thanks denim. I just seen that there's no shipping to the states :ughdunno: Guess I'll have to wait and see if mach 5 gets any back in stock.

$316.00 for 4 18's pre shipping though. wow. :lickscreen:

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For the customers in the lower 48, order via SSA, for Canada, order via Mach5audio.com.

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You are going to love that setup!

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When i try to do a mock purchase to find the total cost at the ssa shop, it tells me that there is no shipping for my country. When i check it at mach 5 it would ship here though.

Not sure what the problem is. I'm gonna go check my account info to make sure i didn't input anything wrong.

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Ok, i checked my account and it's all correct.

Dowagiac MI, 49047

United States

Guess I'll contact mark too see what's up, and find out how much shipping will be on these bad boys.

Anyone from the states care to do a mock purchase to see if it gives you the same msg?

Btw, here is the exact msg i get when i try to continue.


No shipping method setup for your country. Please contact us to see if we can make an alternative arrangement."

Edited by chuey_316

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Hang in there. I'm sure Denim will have things fixed up so you can snag them from him.



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Thanks for all the help.

How big could i go sealed and not hurt the sub, or have it sound like arse? Was thinking about it and it'd be nice to have plugable ports, so i could go from sealed to ported when ever i felt like it.

Was thinking 4.5 cubes or so. Wish all this crap wasn't in the back of the ol lady's blazer so i could figure the exact dimensions i have to work with.

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We are having an issue with the UPS shipping module once it goes past a certain weight. If we cannot get it fixed in the next day or so, we can always do paypal directly. You could try doing two seperate orders of 2 to get around the UPS bug. Sorry for the issues, mark has been working on the code none stop for a few days now for the shop.

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