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BP Power Option???

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If one does decide to get this option does this by any means help increase the subs BL and if so do you guys have a estimated number...


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No, it does nothing for the motor strength. Solely for mechanical and thermal power handling. For any of the motors we have, we have no simple add on to make them more powerful (outside of a 3rd magnet for a BTL and the increase is minimal). Infinity did design one of their sub lines with the removeable steel pole inserts to change the saturation in the back. No plug, high saturation, lower BL and increased Qts, and the small plug and it helps BL a little and lowers Qts, full plug even more... great idea, but in reality no one really messes with things like that. Case in point was the Ascendant Audio Atlas series. The second coil was there to adjust the drivers Qts... a very cool feature (not too mention the ability to wire it with other Atlas coils for some interesting schemes and increased Bl). People simply ignored it and just dropped the driver in as is.

Enough rambling... back to email ;)

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No, it does nothing for the motor strength. Solely for mechanical and thermal power handling. For any of the motors we have, we have no simple add on to make them more powerful (outside of a 3rd magnet for a BTL and the increase is minimal). Infinity did design one of their sub lines with the removeable steel pole inserts to change the saturation in the back. No plug, high saturation, lower BL and increased Qts, and the small plug and it helps BL a little and lowers Qts, full plug even more... great idea, but in reality no one really messes with things like that. Case in point was the Ascendant Audio Atlas series. The second coil was there to adjust the drivers Qts... a very cool feature (not too mention the ability to wire it with other Atlas coils for some interesting schemes and increased Bl). People simply ignored it and just dropped the driver in as is.

Enough rambling... back to email ;)

I read that on a forum before somewhere but I think it was the old Adire Forum and he talked about how you could do something to help in crease or decrease the drivers qts is that something to do with the xbl^2 technology that ascendant use to use..

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Nothing to do with the XBl tech.. .simply adding an extra wind to leave open, short, or run with a resistor or pot to vary the qts.

Doesnt change BL.. but adjust Qms mechanically braking things through a shorted turn on the coil. You can do this with any dual coil driver, but be advised that the BL and all other specs based off of it change. The Atlas was designed to have correct specs with the main coil and then to adjust with the other...

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i had some of those infinity VQ subs. 4 12s actually. curiosity got the best of me and they were on sale too boot. they were quite nice but like mentioned, changing inserts wasnt very hard or time consuming, but you basically found one you liked and stuck with it. it is pretty cool tho that one woofer can sound like 3 totally different woofers from a little 1lb chunk of steel.

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i had some of those infinity VQ subs. 4 12s actually. curiosity got the best of me and they were on sale too boot. they were quite nice but like mentioned, changing inserts wasnt very hard or time consuming, but you basically found one you liked and stuck with it. it is pretty cool tho that one woofer can sound like 3 totally different woofers from a little 1lb chunk of steel.

I loved mine. I actually still have one in my basement

Edited by bdawson72

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