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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Glad you were able to figure out what was wrong. Too bad you spent so much time trying to find the issue somewhere it wasn't, but I get trying to look at everything first before dropping more money.
  2. 1 point
    The obvious answer is to do a ported setup and make your sub/box selection based on the fireplace chimney as the port.
  3. 1 point
    The architect has the final draft for the inside house plan (minus a pillar moved in the garage). Does this circle in orange seem like a good spot for 2 18's in IB? It's the pantry wall. The wife definitely agrees with 2 18's in IB, when I bought my amp for the single xxx 18 she said to chose so that I can upgrade when we build the house TV is in green and the fireplace is circled in red, I may be able to integrated a single sealed 18 there...
  4. 1 point
    I also know myself. Will almost never take enough time to build a passive and if I do it will be a compromise. The miniDSP is a great tool to play with before designing that compromise as building one that matches what I like works. I also have plenty of extra amplifier channels so a passive may never be built.