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cooling option?

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im getting a 15'' BTL and its gonna be a daily driver setup but also some sound comps here and there.. im wanting to know if i should get the cooling option or just stick with the p-chamfer option..

any advice?

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it says it makes the motor weeker and im planning on doing some sound comps too on top of the daily driving and it says that option should not be used if u plan on burping it

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IIRC, it's not recommended for dedicated SPL vehicles, which it doesn't sound like you're building.

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how ever many it takes till im positive that im not going to be buying some piece of chit product that will crap out on me

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You could have made 1 thread, and got all your question answered.

Only reason why u think spiders and tinsels fail, is simply because you read on this forum, and people post who have had problems with them.

FI sells a chit-ton of subs, and only a few outta them are had problems. They just happen to post here about it.

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well i asked many question in my other thread if the fi BTL 15 will be louder than a memphis mojo 15 and none could answer that.. so if thats only a few products that it happens to theres no warranty to cover that chit and im chit out of luck if that happens to me... you get my point.. no warranty = no satisfaction

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if the fi BTL 15 will be louder than a memphis mojo 15 and none could answer that..

You're right, because that's impossible for us to answer.

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just like with the tinsel leads and spider problems people have... none could answer that and if that happens to me im chit out of luck and have to spend about 500$ for another sub cuz it doesnt have a warranty

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Obviously you didn't read what I wrote in your first thread, so let me condense it for you:

People are stupid.

They do a lot of things to speakers that they shouldn't do, get on the internet, and bitch about it. Meanwhile, for every one problem thread you see on here, there's probably five or ten users that are happy because they know the limits of their gear and how to use it.

As for the warranty, I don't know what to tell you. You're covered in case of UPS goons (IIRC), and the lower lines have a solid warranty. If that still bothers you, Wal-Mart sells a fine line of speakers, and I hear their warranty coverage is quite good.

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hahaha... funny!!! NOT!! i wouldnt be surprised if u keep people from buy fi audio products because you are such an arseho.. dude you are probably like 30 years old and im only 17 so chill.. im wanting to do something different because nobody in colorado knows what Fi car audio is and im wanting to make sure that chit will bump

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well i asked many question in my other thread if the fi BTL 15 will be louder than a memphis mojo 15 and none could answer that

I could build a box for my 10's that would make them louder than your 15, or your 15 could be louder if it's in the correct enclosure. You can't compare a couple subs and ask which is louder without actually testing each one in the correct enclosure.

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hahaha... funny!!! NOT!! i wouldnt be surprised if u keep people from buy fi audio products because you are such an arseho.. dude you are probably like 30 years old and im only 17 so chill.. im wanting to do something different because nobody in colorado knows what Fi car audio is and im wanting to make sure that chit will bump

Woah, chill man. JimJ knows what the hell hes talking about, and hes no arseho. Fi subs do have a warranty, as long as you didn't break the sub through your own actions. As long as you know what you're doing, the BTL isn't likely to crap out on you. Now if you go and take a Sundown SAZ-3000 and crank the gains to max, and the tinsel leads break while you're bumping... its not covered. But if you've got your gains set, and everything is good, and the tinsel leads happen to break, then Fi will fix them for you, with a smile. Thats more then can be said for other companies who don't care about you, once they have your money.

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ya im pretty much got my heart sold on 2 Fi BTL 15's but a guy down here keeps telling me i should try the orion HCCA subs.. so im kinda confused now..

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One guy fed 10kw to a BTL, it didnt burn out. It was only mechanically damaged when he played it under tuning and the sub tore itself apart. That goes to show, if you get everything setup good, those BTLs are going to hold up under pressure. :)

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