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BTL 18 Box Plans

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Would be grateful for any help. I just got my 18 btl in the mail and would like to start to build a box. I have built alot of sealed boxes but haven't built a ported box. I drive a 98 tahoe so size is not a problem. It will be used in a daily setup would like to tune that way but get loud thanks for any help

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How about 49" wide (perfect fit) x 20" tall x 20" deep. Port will be 18.5" tall x 5.5" wide. Sub and port facing rearward. It works great. had a setup very close to this in my suburban with a RE XXX 18.



Edited by BKOLFO4

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Sorry, the box shoudl be 20" deep. I was thinking about the box designs I did for the Q 12's today.

49" x 20" x 20" makes for 7 ft^3 tuned to 32 Hz with a little over 100 in^2 of port.

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So you had this setup and it was loud just wonderin how would you face the woofer thanks for plans

oh sorry just noticed you already said woofer and port back thanks again.

also you think this will get loud with a saz 3000d already paid for just wait on new ones

Edited by bamatahoe

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Post up the dims you have to work with and we can come up with something. Then again BKOLFO4 seems to know the dims :) Design looks solid and he definitely knows a thing or two;)

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These are the max dim i can use 33x23x30 Cause i only have one leg and need to put wheel chair in back so would like to be able to just slide it right in beside the box but welcome suggestions thanks again for any help also bkolfo4 do you have any suggestions for this really like the last design just i thought about it and wouldn't like my wheelchair sitting proped up against the box will the woofer is movin thanks again

Edited by bamatahoe

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Here is a new design with the sub and port rearward. I experimented with my suburban and liked the sub rearward. To me it sounded better playing music. . .If you want the sub to be on top, let me know and I will make a couple of quick changes to move it to the top.



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thanks for all your help and for your box design very grateful now just got to get everybody to help during christmas that way i can knock it out quick is that wrong of me to invite over with christmas diner with plans on the helping me do something while there here ...............lol thanks again

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