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Breakin was between 2:30am and 5:30am August 1, 2004. I bet they wanted my tv and dvd player too but my shaved doors saved me and they didnt want to break any more glass. I'm going to be camped on my porch watching cuz I bet they'll be back for the rest.

i'm so god damn freaking pissed off right now I want to cry and puke and kill someone all at once.

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Where are you located?

Sorry to hear about this. Kick their teeth in, unscrew their head, and shit down their neck.

- Steve

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I know Georgia is well-known for car thieves. Good luck trying to get yur stuff back

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That's a damn shame!!! Good luck in the return of your gear!!!

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man people to today are all going t6o hell wt gasoline draws :(

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I am so sorry to hear this aubrey, it breaks my heart

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Everything has been replaced and is sitting in my livingroom floor waiting to be thrown in the back of the truck as soon as I can get 2 distro blocks since I can't use my 0ga on this amp like I did on my 1200.1

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All my equipment is the same except I have a JBL GTO 1201.1 amp now since they stopped making the BP1200.1

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All my equipment is the same except I have a JBL GTO 1201.1 amp now since they stopped making the BP1200.1

Sweet :slayer: The new ones have better turn knobs i bet ...

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Must have a review of the GTO amps. I have heard good things about them. Better than the Powervalve series.

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Must have a review of the GTO amps. I have heard good things about them. Better than the Powervalve series.

I have heard very good things as well. The local shop I do business with is a JBL dealer and their head installer LOVES the new GTO amps. He said he's never seen a GTO 1201.1 test below 1500wrms @ 2ohm (my bp1200.1 tested out to 1405 @ 2). So yay.

I will get a review of it up probably Monday, since that's when my distrobution blocks will be in.

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u have insurance on ur audio?

I dont :( , all i have is um.. i think liability, like if i get in an accidnet or soemthing, and not if someone steals stuff :(

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I don't have a specific policy to cover my insurance, but the policy I have covers anything that is a part of the car, and an installed audio system is a part of the car. That part of the policy is actaully contracted out from State Farm to a 3rd party insurance company called CCS (Coordinated Claims Services) and all they do is stolen audio claims, so they knew what I was talking about when I was telling them what was stolen and then when they couldn't get the bp1200.1 we talked and came up with the GTO 1201.1 as an acceptable replacement. They had the new amp and wiring kit for it to me 3 days after I filed the claim, and the sub came a week later because it was backordered. They also cut me a check to buy the materials to build a new box, but when I went to my local shop to have th box built the guy told me "I can either rip you off and build you this box for $175 or I can sell you that Memphis box behind you that is nearly identical for $85" well... I took some measurements and went home and modeled it in winISD and it was neraly identical to the one I designed so I said screw it and bought the Memphis box. Oh well, I'm happy. If I don't like the Memphis box when I get it all installed I can always just build me another box.

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nice, :D

building a box = 0$ for me at least :D

alrady got the tools and on trash day i just drive around and find old desk and tables that look nice and vola whalla whoever u spell it. :+1:

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I don't have a specific policy to cover my insurance, but the policy I have covers anything that is a part of the car, and an installed audio system is a part of the car. That part of the policy is actaully contracted out from State Farm to a 3rd party insurance company called CCS (Coordinated Claims Services) and all they do is stolen audio claims, so they knew what I was talking about when I was telling them what was stolen and then when they couldn't get the bp1200.1 we talked and came up with the GTO 1201.1 as an acceptable replacement. They had the new amp and wiring kit for it to me 3 days after I filed the claim, and the sub came a week later because it was backordered. They also cut me a check to buy the materials to build a new box, but when I went to my local shop to have th box built the guy told me "I can either rip you off and build you this box for $175 or I can sell you that Memphis box behind you that is nearly identical for $85" well... I took some measurements and went home and modeled it in winISD and it was neraly identical to the one I designed so I said screw it and bought the Memphis box. Oh well, I'm happy. If I don't like the Memphis box when I get it all installed I can always just build me another box.

I'm moving to ATL!!!!

thats some sweet insurance man...

Mine sux.. no audio covered unless "professionally installed". And maybe not even that lol... dont even remember.

Be fun to watch them take my wall out though... i'd give em the subs if they could get the wall out in under an hour :)

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hmm i'll take that bet :D

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hmm i'll take that bet :D

Me too. I could do it in 5 minutes.

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