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Another one bites the dust...

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So people can't seem to stop raving about these drivers. I had tried to e-mail the sales@ address with some questions, just trying to figure out what it is that I need and what I should be expecting.

I was originally going to do a 12w6v2 on a 500/1. Before I ordered everything, I decided to post a little on CAF where I've been a member for some time and just tell everyone what I was doing and see if they had another take on it. The majority of them said Fi was the way to go. So, here I am.

I drive a 95 Lexus sc400.

HU: Kenwood DNX7100

M/H: I actually have no idea yet, suggestions there are welcomed too.. was gonna go Morel but everyone said they were overrated. Looking for something not too harsh, maybe silk tweeters, 400-600 TOPS, cheaper the better as long as I'm gonna be happy.

M/H Amp: JL 450/4v2

Sub Amp: ?

Sub : ?

This is what I'm here to find out. I've been recommended the Fi Q, as if you cant tell, I'm looking for SQ... BUT, I also want it to make some noise, but not at the expense of SQ. I don't want to put 10000 watts in either. Someone said a 12 and an eD NinE.1. Well within my budget and sounds like it would match up with the speaker well. But, what kind of box; sealed or ported; if ported how big and will it even fit; if so, port it through the rear stage maybe? If sealed, will I lose a lot of output, or will sealed still get pretty loud in my small car?

I welcome all input... :)

Edited by InfinitePeace

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The Q is a good choice from the FI line for what you want -- it'll get pretty loud sealed.

How much more output than the 12w6v2 do you want?

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I don't think you could go wrong with either the W6v2 or the Q. Tough choice...

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the q will be a great sub for you, now sealed itll sound better but lose a little output vice versa with ported

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I recommend the 12" Q DVC 2 ohm and the Sundown SAE-1000D to power it.

That would be a great little combo unless you plan on upgrading in the future.

If you do plan on upgrading, I recommend the 12" Q DVC 1 ohm and a SAZ-1500D.

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Well, the original plan was actually 2 12w6v2's then I compromised on 1 13w6v2. I figured I could save power and maximize output per cube given the slightly larger cone area. But then someone talked me into looking at Fi and I think I'd like to give them a shot... the catch is I need twice the power. I'd like to have 2 12's, but I hadn't really planned on putting 2000 watts to the substage. So, I'm left with one 12 sealed or possibly ported. I just hope that will have enough output.

Sundown I'm unfamiliar with, how does it stack up to the rest?

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Depends on who you're stacking them up to of course. But overall, they'll come out on top of most other companies.

The SAZ line is notorious in the SPL scene now with the ability to accept up to 17v input and drop to ridiculously low ohm loads. The SAE line takes up to 15v iirc and can drop to .5ohms (with a stable electrical).

Basically, SAZ = big brother, SAE = little brother.

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Depends on who you're stacking them up to of course. But overall, they'll come out on top of most other companies.

The SAZ line is notorious in the SPL scene now with the ability to accept up to 17v input and drop to ridiculously low ohm loads. The SAE line takes up to 15v iirc and can drop to .5ohms (with a stable electrical).

Basically, SAZ = big brother, SAE = little brother.

Okay, and how much do they run? the eD runs 350 shipped and does 1200x1@1ohm which should be more than enough for the one q. Do you think the sundown would be a better match, and if so.. why? 5 yr warranty on the eD is nice too...

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I'd pass rather quickly on the 9.1.

Have you seen the guts inside it? I lol'd at them.

No? I wouldnt know exactly what I was looking at anyway?

I don't ever remember so many conflicting opinions when trying to buy something. What amp gets your vote for the 12" Q then? I've heard sundown mentioned, of which I've never heard of until today.

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Sundown amps are pretty hard to beat for the performance/price.

Do you have a budget in mind for just the sub amp? You'll need around 800w if you decide to go sealed with the Q.

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Sundown amps are pretty hard to beat for the performance/price.

Do you have a budget in mind for just the sub amp? You'll need around 800w if you decide to go sealed with the Q.

I just want a clean amp that will put out the power it's supposed to, with enough power for a q, that will be stable and reliable. I've looked at eD, the Rockford BD, possibly Cadence as many say on CAF, and you guys are saying sundown. I don't want to spend a fortune, but ill spend 400ish if I must, less wouldn't suck. But whatever really, just a solid amp that isn't going to give me problems and will produce a clean sound with one of these drivers, whatever I have to pay to get that, I've spent enough in every other department.

I still haven't decided on a front stage, taking votes for that...

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I've heard nothing but good reviews on the Q, especially the 12. I'd say go with that sub. If not, you could also look into the AA Havoc 12.

As for the amp, I'd say the Rockford Fosgate T10001bd or the newer T1500-1bd. The newer ones are small and real efficient...

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The Sundown 1000SAE is in your price range and will do everything you just asked for in your previous post.

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That's the plan, just waiting to get the time to look in the trunk and see if I have room for two, then I'd get the 1500 to push both.

Also have to make a decision on the front stage, going back and forth between Hertz, the OZ elites, and Alpine Type X pro. Once I figure all that out, I'll order everything.

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The Type-X's are pretty sexy drivers. If you can get those for a good price, do em.

The Hertz tweeters are really bright looking on a graph (hugh spike at 12kHz) so you'll need a good EQ to tame them.

I've never looked into the OZ sets.

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They are all about the same price...

The OZ I can get here when I order the sundown for 280ish, The Type X's are 350, and the Hertz I can get through a guy on the caraudio forums that gets them locally for a good price @ 299. So, it's a difficult decision. The big problem is I've not heard any of them nor can I. I got a lot of recommendations on CAF for the OZ's, caraudio.com forums all praise the hertz, and type X's are a grab bag, but no one has anything bad to say. So, I'm torn.

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