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i wish our president had the balls to say this

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>Canada& America >Need A Leader Like This!

>>>> Prime Minister John Howard - Australia >>>

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. > >Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. >Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, w have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority >of Australians.' > >'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom' > >'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. >Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . >Learn the language!' > >'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some >Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' > >'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. >All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' > >'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. >But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, > > >'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' > > 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.' > > >Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American and Canadian citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths. > > >If you agree ... please SEND THIS ON.

got it in an email today and i'm posting it wherever i think of. was informed that this was actually quoted in 2005, shows just how far behind we are.


wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I wonder if the Aboriginies had those same rights that are being so loudly claimed, as they were forced into assimilate into mainstream Australian culture :) Maybe they should have told the Europeans off.

I agree that immigrants into the US need to learn English. My grandparents had to out of necessity.

But bugging mosques is 100%, balls-out frightening. Every time I hear that the US is a "Christian nation", it makes me sick - because really, if you look at the religious beliefs of the people who founded it, they were Deists if anything :) Who were well aware of what happens when the state and religion get too closely mixed...

Good old homegrown Christianity has produced its share of wackos, why aren't we monitoring the Baptist church on the corner? Or for that matter, agnostics or atheists...hell, they might be Commies too...;)

I jest, but that sounds as silly as the quoted article.

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aboriginies= our native americans, and i point i totally agree with. that said, we can't change the past. though one would think we could treat them better in the future.

i guess the reasons i agree with the article is mostly over the immirgration, language and the host country having to bend to appease them, instead of them adapting to the home country. it's crap and it needs to change.

but you do indeed bring up some interesting thoughts. radical any religion is scary. period.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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we can't change the past.

No, but we can't forget it either, because there are a lot of people out there that haven't. Someone should have told Bush that before using words like "crusade" as a casual remark in speeches...that's getting into other issues, though :)

As long as we have a don't-ask-don't-tell policy when it comes to below-minimum wage jobs in this country, we won't have a moral leg to stand on in this debate. We can pine about how we'd all like to make a language requirement a reality, but as long as employers are hiring people for illegal wages this will continue. And no wall or over-the-top rhetoric is going to stop it.

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i grew up in a small town-- Kaslo BC Canada ( insert Hippy / Logger Jokes here ). Fries with Gravy is a right ... yet when i went home last week for Victoria Day .... most places now only offer Curry with Fries... WTF??? why do we bend over backwards to make Foreigners feel at home??? its all Bull$hit..... and it bad for you!

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we can't change the past.

No, but we can't forget it either, because there are a lot of people out there that haven't. Someone should have told Bush that before using words like "crusade" as a casual remark in speeches...that's getting into other issues, though :)

As long as we have a don't-ask-don't-tell policy when it comes to below-minimum wage jobs in this country, we won't have a moral leg to stand on in this debate. We can pine about how we'd all like to make a language requirement a reality, but as long as employers are hiring people for illegal wages this will continue. And no wall or over-the-top rhetoric is going to stop it.

you'll get no argument from me. but one can still hope that someone will see the light and follow through.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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we can't change the past.

No, but we can't forget it either, because there are a lot of people out there that haven't. Someone should have told Bush that before using words like "crusade" as a casual remark in speeches...that's getting into other issues, though :)

As long as we have a don't-ask-don't-tell policy when it comes to below-minimum wage jobs in this country, we won't have a moral leg to stand on in this debate. We can pine about how we'd all like to make a language requirement a reality, but as long as employers are hiring people for illegal wages this will continue. And no wall or over-the-top rhetoric is going to stop it.

you'll get no argument from me. but one can still hope that someone will see the light and follow through.


wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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This is nothing short of horse shit. Plain and simple.

I hope no Canadian honestly believes any of this (I don't know of many who would), especially since we tend to take pride in our multiculturalism. Up here, it is seen as an asset rather than a detriment.

Explains a lot about the current state of the US, mind you.

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This is nothing short of horse chit. Plain and simple.

I hope no Canadian honestly believes any of this (I don't know of many who would), especially since we tend to take pride in our multiculturalism. Up here, it is seen as an asset rather than a detriment.

Explains a lot about the current state of the US, mind you.

what exactly is horse chit???

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Or for that matter, agnostics or atheists...hell, they might be Commies too...;)

I know you were joking about this and I don't think this was your intention, but I just wanted to point out that athiesm and agnosticism are not similar. Athiests don't believe in the existence of a god or gods, while agnostics think that the existence of god cannot be proven OR DISPROVEN.

Gebrochen- if you read the disclaimer at the bottom of that article it states that while these statements were made by officials, they were probably taken way out of context. Which shouldn't be surprising, that's the media's favorite game.

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Us in the U.S. see multiculturalism as an asset (both financially and culturally) for the most part.

What we do not see as an asset to our nation is radical factions presiding our country that want every one of us dead.

I agree with this. Our country is not taking a stand for itself, and honestly I think it is ridiculous.

All of these people out there screaming "Free Tibet!" and complaining about the U.S. doing nothing to help Tibet need to get a reality check. We went into a country, Iraq, and, despite that argument of motivations, it remains and evident fact that that country was transformed from a dictatorship to somewhat of a democracy... and the world hates us for it!!! And now you are telling us to do the same thing in China (which is a whole different story). People need to just wake up.

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This is nothing short of horse shit. Plain and simple.

I hope no Canadian honestly believes any of this (I don't know of many who would), especially since we tend to take pride in our multiculturalism. Up here, it is seen as an asset rather than a detriment.

Explains a lot about the current state of the US, mind you.

horseshit? no, reality check. i don't agree with all of it, but as i mentioned elsewhere, the meat and potatos of it is the fact that our country is too concerned with everyone's feelings but our own. give and give, but get nothing back but hate? as is mentioned in the post above mine.

everybody talks about our current state of mind, it was our PC state of mind that's digging us this fucking hole. be nice to everyone regardless of their feelings towards us. make sure the illegals are cared for while natural citizens suffer. yeah, it's horseshit. commercials all over the air about saving some other country while our own people suffers. yeah, it's horseshit.

and just as some Americans will care less about this, i'll guarantee there are canadians who feel as Australia's PM does, did. i'm sure all canadians think as you do. most human nature is to be a follower.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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This is the first political person i've heard (or read) that sounded like an actual human being. The political people out today, its just like reading shakespeare.. i can read it, but i dont really care or understand.

Edited by QuestionMan

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This is nothing short of horse chit. Plain and simple.

I hope no Canadian honestly believes any of this (I don't know of many who would), especially since we tend to take pride in our multiculturalism. Up here, it is seen as an asset rather than a detriment.

Explains a lot about the current state of the US, mind you.

horsechit? no, reality check. i don't agree with all of it, but as i mentioned elsewhere, the meat and potatos of it is the fact that our country is too concerned with everyone's feelings but our own. give and give, but get nothing back but hate? as is mentioned in the post above mine.

everybody talks about our current state of mind, it was our PC state of mind that's digging us this pucking hole. be nice to everyone regardless of their feelings towards us. make sure the illegals are cared for while natural citizens suffer. yeah, it's horsechit. commercials all over the air about saving some other country while our own people suffers. yeah, it's horsechit.

and just as some Americans will care less about this, i'll guarantee there are canadians who feel as Australia's PM does, did. i'm sure all canadians think as you do. most human nature is to be a follower.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

you can thank most -and i say again, most- of the democratic and liberal fudges for the well being of ILLEGAL immigrants.....as far as america waking up, plenty of us have, its most of the people in power that havent. With that said, the people in power (i.e. political parties) that have woken up, when they act upon somethin theres always going to be someone there with more power (media for example) to shoot it down, completely fudge it all up........its a whole lot easier said that done..which all of us know.

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as far as giving a chit what everyone else thinks about the U.S. its the price we pay for being the big brother of the world....unfortunately people watch what we do, watch what we say, and watch where we chit. Some of it - ok maybe a lot of it - may be takin out of context by others, but again, since we became a superpower its the price we pay for having the most superior military in the world; and trying to rid the world of evil. Now for people that are actually in the us that hate against there own country....fudge em, ill continue to fight for their right to do so....

guess we should have listened to old george washington and his "Isolationism' shiznit


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i grew up in a small town-- Kaslo BC Canada ( insert Hippy / Logger Jokes here ). Fries with Gravy is a right ... yet when i went home last week for Victoria Day .... most places now only offer Curry with Fries... WTF??? why do we bend over backwards to make Foreigners feel at home??? its all Bull$hit..... and it bad for you!

Know Peter Witt?

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as far as giving a chit what everyone else thinks about the U.S. its the price we pay for being the big brother of the world....
That role is getting quickly phased out.

It's hard to police a country that has your balls in a vice, and increasingly, we have ours in many. For example, I thought the call to boycott the Olympics in China were pretty silly. They hold so much of our currency that if we actually pissed them off, it'd make the inflation we have now look like chickenshit...

If nothing else changes in this country, we're going to have the rude shock of waking up and realizing that the rest of the world simply doesn't need us anymore. We'll be written out. Irrelevant. Placed aside. And the scary thing is, I don't think people here will even wake up to that fact until it's already happened.

and trying to rid the world of evil.

Is anyone actually that deluded to believe that?

guess we should have listened to old george washington and his "Isolationism' shiznit

I don't think complete isolationism in the vein of feudal Japan - or in the modern world, North Korea - is a viable option, but there seem to be a lot of countries out there that can sustain their GDP's without having to resort to their military as the solution for their problems.

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Racism is everywhere. Blacks, browns, whites, asians, etc. There is some in one way or another everywhere. Not in every person necessarially.

Its a bitch, but thats just the way it is.


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Sounds like the crazy assed shit my great aunt forwards me....

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guess we should have listened to old george washington and his "Isolationism' shiznit

I don't think complete isolationism in the vein of feudal Japan - or in the modern world, North Korea - is a viable option, but there seem to be a lot of countries out there that can sustain their GDP's without having to resort to their military as the solution for their problems.

If just stop all this Superman crusade nonsense we'd be OK I think...

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