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fart box for BL

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so i have a d2 bl that will be on a saz1500 and was wondering on basic guidelines for a box. im looking for input from those who have played with em, or can tell me from other experiences whether or not 2.0 w/ around 40^2in of port would be okay. with the sub and amp in consideration should i go bigger/smaller, more/less port?

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Safe to assume it is a 12"??

When you say fart box, SPL only? Plan on playing music?

What vehicle?


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if making a strictly one note box you want to make it as large as possible with a lot of port area but the max size you can make the box depends on how far you power will push the sub at that frequency.the reason why a lot of competetors use small boxes is because of the huge amount of power they throw at them. i would try building a box the largest reccomended size fi has tuned just below the vehicle freq 2-3hz with a lot of port area and try that if you dont come close to the mechanical limits of the sub make another box a little larger until you are just under the mechanical limits of the sub.

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finally i can post again! thanks for the replys guys. its a 12. yes, spl only. ill just throw it on the meter with the box to see what kind of numbers it can put up. i have my daily box on the side (2.2 @ 32) (that one did a 140.3 before (dont know freq.)

so, ill probably go 2.5. when you say "a lot" of port area, how much are you talking about? should i go more than the 14-16 per cu. ft recommended by fi?

oh, and the vehicle is a 97 4runner. dont know where the vehicle peaks. hopefully someone else knows.

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Im planning a 6th order bandpass for burping my 10 BL... good luck with yours I'd say make the port as big as you possibly can fit in the box with your desired tuning and volume... And from what I've heard, but dont quote me.. the shorter the port length the better because a longer port interferes more with the acoustics of the box... or something like that... someone smart please expand on this or correct me.

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The bigger the box and the higher the tuning the greater the peak.... That is about it really...

You could put that driver in a 7+ ft3 box tuned in the 50s and get extremely loud right at tuning, but play it anywhere else and you are asking for trouble....

The more efficient you make the box, the louder it will get, the less bandwidth it will have and the easier it will be to destroy the driver if you play out of that narrow bandwidth....

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so anyone have personal experience using a 12" bl for the purpose of randomness? how much is too much port for it? could i go w/ say a 3ft box with like 60sq. in of port?

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You don't need personal experience, it is almost meaningless.... It is like asking what is the best color of a car...

Seriously, do your homework, design an efficent SPL box and go at it.... That is the best personal experience you will ever get...

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i know it would come down to the car and everything else, but general statements - i.e. - "90sq in of port was too much" or "it worked well in a 2 cube box, but not a 5 cube one". im getting rid of it now though, so its alright. whenever i decide to build a "play" box ill prob use ext. pvc ports...if i ever get around to it, that is.

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