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Subwoofer Problem!

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Ok, this is weird.

I have an 18" Ascendant audio Sub. It has been working well for months since I bought it, however just recently while I was driving around (not bumping hard, just normal playing) it "stopped" working. There was no wierd sounds, static, it just stopped playing. I kept driving home since I figured the amp fuse might have blown or gone into protect mode , which would have been no big deal.

However after looking at it, and testing it, I think the amp is fine. I don't have a DMM so I took a home stero speaker, wired it to the amp just to see if I got a sound from the speaker and it worked fine. However even after Rewiring my entire amp and sub, the sub still produces no noise.

Is my sub broken? I have had a blown sub before and it still atleast made sound, so I am confused as to what is wrong with this sub?

Please let me know your thoughts, i would like to get this fixed.


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push done on cone and see if their is a nasty sound or does it move freely?

do the same test you did with your amp to your sub, take it in the house and wire it a high ohm load and play it on a home stereo at low volume to see if it works; but if the home speaker worked on the amp and the sub doesnt then I think its something going on wit the subwoofer.

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Have you checked your connection inside the box? A wire may have come loose while driving.

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Yes and I even took it one step further and used new speaker wire on the sub. Strange.

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Hmm that's odd.

Could have fried something?

Did you try doing what jay-cee said and hook it up to a home audio amp?

Or if you know someone with subwoofers, hook it up to their amp and see if you get anything.

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I will try his method in the morning. I can't do that right now because baby is sleeping.

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Since you have a DMM, measure the resistance of the voice coils. If they don't read what they should, it's blown. Subs don't all blow in the same fashion.

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Oh my bad, when I was recalling your first post the "don't" part got left out of my memory. Well, you should get one then!

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