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Polyfill in a ported box

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I have a kinda small box for a ported 6 1/2" Bose woofer. It sounds alright, but i can't fit much more in the bag. I was wondering if polyfill would have somehat of the same effect in a ported box as it would in a sealed box. I did want to ask the difference in effect, between stuffing and padding, because i have heard of both being used. I am looking to shift the tuning down a little bit.

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Good luck knowing what it will do before you put it in.

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Good luck knowing what it will do before you put it in.


Does that mean that it generally isn't practiced?

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If you have to ask the question you probably shouldn't even try it.

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Not to speak for him, but I think M5 means to find out you will have to try it and see. No way of guessing the results.

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If you have to ask the question you probably shouldn't even try it.

x2, do some more research on the topics that you post before you post them (you will be amazed at the information around the web on this topic).

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I think this has been covered on this board before. Try searching to see if you find anything!

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If you have to ask the question you probably shouldn't even try it.

Not to speak for him, but I think M5 means to find out you will have to try it and see. No way of guessing the results.

No I meant that if he doesn't already know and more importantly UNDERSTAND what it will do he shouldn't bother to try. Will it do something, you bet. Will it do what he wants, doubt it, but of course if the thread was made in such a way that we actually knew what he wanted we could probably pipe in and help.

Shifting the tuning down is a bit arbitrary and I know for a fact the OP has NO IDEA what that actually means, nor does he understand what that will do to his driver and how it will react overall with his box. ALL of which should be understood very well before trying anything.

Oh, and of course my attitude here could have easily been put in a helpful realm had he followed some general posting guidelines and posted something we could all help on. Re-occurring pattern here that has ended in a warning. Make a thread that is useful for the forum or don't make it at all. :(

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When I use the search feature, it brings up posts, but when Iclick, it throws me in the searched thread, somewhere at random, usually not related to what Ilooked up. Is it supposed to bring me to the post with the word or phrase i searched, or do i go ahead and read the whole thread? Having not used it alot (i just look through the forums for new posts) I may just be doing it wrong.

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That's a first. An example would help, I've never seen that before.

What did you search for, what did you find, and where did you end up?

And yes, probably reading the whole thread would benefit you....unless of course it was one of these classic threads that help nobody that piss me off when people make them.

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If your not getting the search you want then one day take some time like I have done on plenty occasions and just got through all the pages under the thread and see if any topics stand out to you and read them. This will take up a lot of time, but well worth the effort and knowlegde to find something that answers alot of your questions without you making a topic about it.

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Ex. When i looked up 4/0 for a picture, as a comparison to regualar 1/0 or 4ga. I got a zillion thread mentioning the wire, but nothing came up specifically relating to the words "picture" or "comparison", other than build logs or those threads that compare woofers or amps.

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Ex. When i looked up 4/0 for a picture, as a comparison to regualar 1/0 or 4ga. I got a zillion thread mentioning the wire, but nothing came up specifically relating to the words "picture" or "comparison", other than build logs or those threads that compare woofers or amps.

I personally dont understand why you want pictures of 4/0 AWG, what benefit will that do. Just imagine 1/0 AWG bigger, a lot bigger. Nobody is posting topics with pictures of wire so that is why you arent getting any hits.

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Ex. When i looked up 4/0 for a picture, as a comparison to regualar 1/0 or 4ga. I got a zillion thread mentioning the wire, but nothing came up specifically relating to the words "picture" or "comparison", other than build logs or those threads that compare woofers or amps.

I personally dont understand why you want pictures of 4/0 AWG, what benefit will that do. Just imagine 1/0 AWG bigger, a lot bigger. Nobody is posting topics with pictures of wire so that is why you arent getting any hits.

I wasnt posting just for that, i had just come off of reading a build log, and they lost some pictures, and some were of 4/0 wiring. I just wanted to see how big it is in comparison.

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Perhaps you should google gauge, it will answer your question.

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Perhaps you should google gauge, it will answer your question.

I get stupid links, either to sites that sell speaker wire, or at most 1/0. Nothing on 4/0 that i could find, specifically a comparison picture.

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Perhaps you should google gauge, it will answer your question.

I get stupid links, either to sites that sell speaker wire, or at most 1/0. Nothing on 4/0 that i could find, specifically a comparison picture.

Do you really suck that bad at the internet???


Come on. Stop being lazy :(

*took me less than 15sec btw

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