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They look good bro. :fing34:

Thank you.. so I ended up getting a better distro block




and a few 3/0 to 1/0 reducers 4 of them



Also got my best score to date on the dash 149.7db at 46hz

Rebuilt another port today and tuned to 39.75hz old tune was 43hz. I think I might have my 150 on the dash now with new port.. have to wait until I get on the meter again for results but definitely hitting harder.

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Getting so close, let's see that 50 :drink40:

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Getting so close, let's see that 50 :drink40:

I think I may have it now.. :)

Yesterday I made a new port for my box. I dropped the tuning from 43hz to 39.75hz and it made a really good difference. I must have been tuned to high to begin with.

pic's of the new port in but not painted yet.



Still have to fill in the rest of the outside of the port yet before I paint in. The inside of the pore is sealed around the edges though.

I used a router bit and did round overs on all the edges and sanded them down. The inside of the port was sanded so it was real smooth.

I'll have to get it tested again but I can say it has to be a 150 sealed on dash now.

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Did you machine the power and ground distribution blocks?

Things are turning out nicely :P

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Those new distribution blocks are very nice. How far from the hatch is the port?

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Did you machine the power and ground distribution blocks?

Things are turning out nicely :P

These distribution blocks are made by Toolman from c a c o. I bought them from 18inchjeepin

Those new distribution blocks are very nice. How far from the hatch is the port?

3" which is really not enough room. I am have been thinking about removing the amp mount which will free me up another 2" which will be more suitable of a range in my vehicle. I would like to have 6" because that seems to bee the sweet spot on the meter.

Edited by Hotdog69

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Another update.. Got metered today at the USACI event today. They were offering metering on the dash too so I decided to meter at the dash instead of the kick to see how changing the tuning would do for me.

Well it helped a lot I broke the 150db mark today at the dash with a 150.4 by just dropping my tuning 3hz. That is another .7db gain over last time. I have a video of me metering but my wife did not get the screen on video and someone jumped in the way :(. but here it is anyway if you want to watch. Next is to measure sealed up I should be at 150db sealed or a a hair away.

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Congrats on breaking 150

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Congrats on breaking 150

Thank you.. now tomorrow I think I will relocate the amp so I can move the box up a couple of inches will more then likely gain again by getting more space from the rear hatch. I am at 3" now I think I can get 5"

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