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Aaron Clinton

Dcon review

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Both are 2" coils. Thumperr told me, I think based upon 4 ported 10" Icons doing something like 143 @ 25hz and 147 @ 35hz, that SW8000's wouldn't do that. I know they're uber different (no sealed for Eclipse) but it makes me wonder why Eclipse couldn't make something better for half the cost like the Dcon. I compare subs with price and output, not t/s.

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Both are 2" coils. Thumperr told me, I think based upon 4 ported 10" Icons doing something like 143 @ 25hz and 147 @ 35hz, that SW8000's wouldn't do that. I know they're uber different (no sealed for Eclipse) but it makes me wonder why Eclipse couldn't make something better for half the cost like the Dcon. I compare subs with price and output, not t/s.

If that Eclipse is a 2" coil, my mistake as I thought last I read it was a 3" and the power ratting is very high for a 2". Anyway, comparing initial price is one of the major issues with car audio. So many people fail to think about over all cost, instead of just initial cost. Also, most everyone fails to think about the differences in brands that makes these products.

Example: Companies such as JL, ID and Eclipse often get compared to our sub woofers as they only know the big names so the think they need a direct price comparison. The major fault with that is, those brands are building their drivers extremely cheaply overseas, often times using the cheapest possible parts. This is because they have a great deal of overhead, advertising, promotions, sponsorships, etc. etc. etc. Included with all of that overhead and so on, is dialed in brand name premium.

Now, SSA consists of two people that have the sub woofers, hand built with the best parts, here in the USA, with no brand name premium. What that means is, for the end customer, the value, quality and performance of and SSA sub woofer unquestionably trumps a RF or JL etc. What that means to SSA the company is, we have no where near the mark up or profit that these other brands do that go overseas. So excellent end product for the customer, no 2010 show vehicles in our drive ways, or bikini girls at our demo booth.

Fairly simple distinction, but the continuing issue is that most customers don't take 15 seconds to process the differences on the grand scheme.

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or bikini girls at our demo booth.

Surely you could set some money aside for this. :fing34:

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or bikini girls at our demo booth.

Surely you could set some money aside for this. :fing34:

Or I can send you and Mark some to do volunteer work on my behalf :peepwall:

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or bikini girls at our demo booth.

Surely you could set some money aside for this. :fing34:

Or I can send you and Mark some to do volunteer work on my behalf :peepwall:


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Pretty show vehicles suck, they're reminders that most can't afford them. Any vehicle with 4+ of these subs is a real daily show car and by the looks of it they're all in the customers hands and there's more of them =). If you build something with quality above other brands it'll sell by word of mouth easily.

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Pretty show vehicles suck, they're reminders that most can't afford them. Any vehicle with 4+ of these subs is a real daily show car and by the looks of it they're all in the customers hands and there's more of them =). If you build something with quality above other brands it'll sell by word of mouth easily.

That would be 95%+ of our sales.

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