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jacob please help with wiring up my 100.4

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jacob please help me with this wiring issue im having. i have 3 ascendant audio mids in each front door and 1 in each rear. theyre all 4ohms. my question is can i run all 3 off the front set of channels safely(or should i say am i gonna kill it if i do) . the rear would be on the other channels. basically i wanna do it this way so i can control balancing the sound. then i have a 50.4 to run the 8 tweeters- 2 in the dash 1 in each front door and 1 in each rear door. the xo will be 80hz-about 2450 @12db/oct on the 100.4 and the tweeters will be xo at 2500@18db/oct on the 50.4. the tweeters will be mounted just in front of the door handles on all 4 doors. here are a few pics so u can kinda have an idea thanks and for the millionth time great product. btw i wanted to buy all sundown subs but you didnt have any available when it was my time to get some. if i can get a good price on 3 z 15s im still interested but id have to get rid of my havocs. when would the zv2's be available

Edited by willie7380

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1 of the tweeters will be in front of the door handle


same here and there will also be 2 more in each side of the dash

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You can series two and parallel the third one in to each of the front channels.

Other then that you can just do 2 mids per channel like I am doing. Trust me, you won't hear any difference at all.

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see from what the spec read it is only safe at 2 ohm stereo......

but the only two ways you can run three 4 ohm speakers on 1 channel is either at 1.33ohms or at 12 ohms...

so its a tough one....

you can run 2 on each channel at 2 ohms but with a 6 speaker set up thats gonna leave you with an empty channel....

i know this question is for jacob but im just tryin to work it out with you.

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see from what the spec read it is only safe at 2 ohm stereo......

but the only two ways you can run three 4 ohm speakers on 1 channel is either at 1.33ohms or at 12 ohms...

so its a tough one....

you can run 2 on each channel at 2 ohms but with a 6 speaker set up thats gonna leave you with an empty channel....

i know this question is for jacob but im just tryin to work it out with you.

i know and thanks for the input. it sucks cause im tryin not to crowd the front doors or id just put all 4 in them

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You can series two and parallel the third one in to each of the front channels.

Other then that you can just do 2 mids per channel like I am doing. Trust me, you won't hear any difference at all.

do u think itll make a difference with the 3 being in a kind of a common chamber with 2 on 1 channel and 1 on another

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You can series two and parallel the third one in to each of the front channels.

Power distribution will be off, the two in series are going to be receiving less power then the one you paralleled them with.

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