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luxury liner pro or over kill pro

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I recently orderd some damp pro for my roof. i have a few extra bucks to play with, i was reading and watching some vids of both lux liner pro and over kill pro. I am a little confused on what they actully do diffrent? and what should i order?

i currently have second skin in my doors and my back hatch. i am going to doubble stack my roof with the damp pro.

should i use the lux liner pro for my doors or the over kill pro?

i am also open to any other suggestion also.


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What exactly are you trying to accomplish? What are your goals?

Overkill is a closed cell foam (CCF). CCF is generally pretty poor at absorption of sound due to it's thickness and material makeup, but also not heavy enough to make a good barrier layer for reducing the tramission of things like road noise. It's best use is basically just as a decoupler for a barrier layer (i.e. used under a layer of mass loaded vinyl), or used in between panels to stop buzzing and rattling. It's pretty ineffective at most other tasks, or there are much better materials to use.

Luxury Liner Pro is a mass loaded vinyl product. It's use to to block the transmission of sound, such as road noise. Luxury Liner Pro is mass loaded vinyl (MLV), which is the mass or barrier layer, bonded to a thin layer of CCF, which is the decoupling layer. If you wanted to reduce the amount of road and engine noise that enters the cabin, this would be the type of product to use.

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my main goal is just to get my roof to shut up. i get CRAZY flex and sound and it really makes my sub stage sound like crap. i know the damp pro will fix that. i dont exactly have a goal for my front stage setup i have all my doors deadend and it sounds pretty good. I was just going to get lux pro or over kill pro to make it sound better then what it already is. i dont get much rattle other then my roof. i just figured if i went with lux pro or over kill pro it would sound alot better

i also feel like i am loseing alot of sound from my front stage, i would like to keep the sound in my car as much as possable because my front stage has a hard time keeping up with my substage. so maybe if i get the lux pro this will help?

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Neither of those products are designed to directly affect the performance of your speakers, but LLP may indirectly impact the performance by way of reducing inbound noise from the engine and road. However, to really achieve substantial improvement you would need essentially need to cover the entire vehicle. Just doing small sections isn't really going to do much for you. And even then, the amount of improvement depends on how much of a problem you feel the road and engine noise is. For example, LLP isn't going to solve many problems if you spend a lot of time demo'ing the system parked.

How much money do you have to work with?

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after i finnish my roof my hole car will be completly deaden except for the floor *under the seats* with damp pro. i was talking with shizzon and he suggested for me to seal up my door frame, that will help for sure. i think i was cerious about LLP because i just wanted something else to spend money on lol.

i really just want to stop hearing rattles everywhere. my roof is a REAL big issue, and thats going to be fixed. my door frame doesent rattle that bad but the plastic part of my door seems to rattle a tun because i have taken it off and put it back on so much.

money isent really an issue, i have a second job and that paycheck is just for all my car audio lol.

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Can you tell us how your roof reacts with the Damplifier ? If it flex , if you still have rattles?

I'm "working" on a little car and the subs give us too much flex on the roof !


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I'll take a befor and after video. For sure.

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after i finnish my roof my hole car will be completly deaden except for the floor *under the seats* with damp pro. i was talking with shizzon and he suggested for me to seal up my door frame, that will help for sure. i think i was cerious about LLP because i just wanted something else to spend money on lol.

i really just want to stop hearing rattles everywhere. my roof is a REAL big issue, and thats going to be fixed. my door frame doesent rattle that bad but the plastic part of my door seems to rattle a tun because i have taken it off and put it back on so much.

money isent really an issue, i have a second job and that paycheck is just for all my car audio lol.

Sounds like the best thing for you is to track down what is rattling and why. Is it a plastic panel vibrating against another panel? If so, get some CCF to stick between the pieces. Is it a panel resonating? If so, put some CLD on it.

If you just want to spend money for the sake of spending money, then let me give you my paypal address and you can send it over to me instead of spending it on a product you might not need :)

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I'll split the monies with you Brad :P

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I got money to blow I'm getn it in!!! Lol

If I can't fix these crazy rattles I'm downgrading lol

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Didnt even notice what forum it was in so Ill rephrase it, like what Impious said find what actually makes the noise and spend the money on that. This will stop you from having to pull your headliner down more than once if the first idea doesnt work.

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if the main problem is roof flex and rattles up there your main product to use is damp pro or spl tiles. lux liner on the roof is going to be a bad idea. that stuff is too heavy to be putting up there

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Didnt even notice what forum it was in so Ill rephrase it, like what Impious said find what actually makes the noise and spend the money on that. This will stop you from having to pull your headliner down more than once if the first idea doesnt work.

Much appreciated!


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