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Man, you guys are rough, not to mention misinformed. But then I haven't been doing any postings, as getting going with all this has been a real time eater.

I'll let the nastier comments go by. Certainly beauty is in the eye of the beholder; one thing that's a really good bet is that no one has actually seen an AX amp. That's because they're not even on the line yet ( although, if I was making them overseas, I'd already have them).

Here's the deal, straight up, no chaser.

U.S. Amps was sold on Oct. 6, 2004 to a U.S. citizen, who owns one of the largest single stereo, wheel shop stores in the U.S. The Koreans have not, in fact, bought the company, nor is he a front for anyone, including the Mafia, Chinese of otherwise.

The AX is the same stuff we've always had. The only difference is the nnew sink with 30% more aluminum (a tribute to how hard you boys and girls out there like to push gear),and the addition of a terminal block that will let you, for example, run 0 Ga. wire in the amp directly, and use big speaker wire. I do get the sink itself from Asia, largely because of competitive pressure, not to mention my US supplier screwed me on delivery for my late winter run, leaving me with no "A" or "X" product to sell. If you guys don't want to buy amps with foreign sinks, it's time for you to become Chinese citizens.

The Merlin line is not a JL clone, or I'd have to cut the power. The MD2 really is 1500W RMS @ 1 ohm, with a square wave that starts to show visible deformity at 1930 w continuous, RMS, CEA 2006 standard.

The I/S line is the only one sourced directly from Asia. It's a price point item, but a proprietory design by our chief engineer, Dirk Ecker, who is one of the original founders of US Amps, along with Jack Matheny.

Now, I don't know who planted all those stories about being bought by Korean factories, all the manufacture going to Asia, etc., but shame on you. The phones do work here, and I'm glad to talk to anyone, at 877-267-9360.

By the way, folks, the stated opinion is 80/20 in favor of the new site. Look for it to get upgraded over the next few weeks. I've been busy, you know.

And, as a last note, Zapco's great stuff, and I consider them my main competitor in SQ. But I'll put anything in the AX line up against anything they've got in amps, in SQ, and I'll flog 'em on power. And, as opposed to going down, wait till you see what's in the pipeline. Can you say"bigger/better than VLX"?

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Can you say"bigger/better than VLX"?


Thats the 1st statement I think i"ve seen from anyone at US Amps.

Edited by logikalliquid

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From what i understand of it yes, Dirk has got some great board ideas.

As long as Jeff Coleman's replacement JR can deliver on his promise of improved customer service for us dealers (its been not the best in 2005)

then i think we may start to see the company coming back into the forefrint.

If not its not garunteed survival.

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lol i hope it is haha i just got there a few months before Jeff left so i had no idea wat was goin on. At least JR's got a degree in marketing so he knows the in's and out's of this kinda thing.

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