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X 10" box

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So i have looked at the ported box design at the top of the page for an X 10". My question is how will this sub perform sealed in about .75ft^3? I know ill get more output out of the ported box and a little tighter bass from sealed. Is that 32hz tuning ideal for the X 10" I would assume since the fine folks at Fi posted that diagram and they know their speaker better than anyone. Once again im powering it off the back two channels of a JL J2 320.4 so around ~180 watts. Vehicle is a 1998 explorer so space isnt the issue at work here.

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My X12's do wonderfully in an optimal sealed box at 1.25 cubes. In the same size box, but ported, and tuned to 26 hertz, they get down a bit lower. You can tune them to whatever frequency you like, 32 is just what most people tune a ported design to.

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So wait you have them in a 1.25 ported box? I have the black fiday x's in a 1 cubed sealed box and wondered if I could port my box with a aero port instead of buying another box. If I have to Ill just buy another box even though I just bought this sealed one a couple weeks ago. The sealed I noticed is tighter and has a little more punch in the higher frequencies, but I want just a little more output to be happy with them. I also need to sound deaden my trunk because I ripped out the carpet during the install for future deadener to be installed. So after I get my box in order with the sound deadener Ill be happy with my install of theese. Then its saving for a couple ssd's.

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I have four of the X series 10's in 0.5 cubes NET per sub. Sound great, play low and highly recommended.

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