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My US Merlin md3d just blew in my car :( by far one of my favorite amps cause its 1 ohm stable....way underrated...n excepts 0 gauge. Don't kno were to go from here... I can get another Merlin for like 400 and be happy but wanted to here your guys thoughts on Wat I should get.... I'm runnin 2 Orion hcca 10" wired together for 1 ohm....any suggestions would b awesome...thanx

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We need to know how much you want to spend. A lot of people on this forum like the Hifonics amps when they don't have a lot to spend. If you have a bigger budget, check out some of the amps at the SSA store.

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That's the thing my amp couldn't of blown at a worse time pretty much ain't got the doe right now for one but I AM A do whatever it takes. But most amps I'm finding used aren't 1 ohm stable I bought my original Merlin used for 150 but I'm never gonna find that again. So used would b nice budget wise but new I'm lookin between 400 and 650$ and the higonics Brutus amp that will work for me I think is like 800$

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How many watts rms do you need?

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If your on a tight budget check out the Audiopipe line of amplifiers. They can be had for cheap and people seem to have good luck with them.

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Have you thought about getting the merlin fixed?

should be cheaper then buying a new one even with how much you spent for it. Getting it fixed from a reputable company, it will be just as good as new.

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That Merlin amp is rated 2krms and you should easily be able to find a Hifonics amp in that power range for WAY less than $800, here's a Brutus BRZ2400 (2400wrms @ 1 ohm) for $370. A Crescendo BC2000, rated 2250wrms @ 1 ohm is only $380 in the SSA store for example as well. There's a bunch of amps out there that should suit your needs within your budget. A used or refurbished Sundown 2k or 2500 should be within that budget as well, hell dB-r has a refurbed Sundown 3500 for $688.

I agree that you should be able to get it repaired much cheaper. dB-r does amp repairs, not sure if they repair US Amps brand or not but it's worth asking about and there's other places that do that work as well. Repair should be many times less than a new amp.

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Thank you guys I really do appreciate the advise saves me alot of time..I have two Orion hcca 10's n there rated for 1500 rms but I've Heard my buddies runnin them at 2000 all day with no problems for months....that bein said u think I could go bigger than 2400 rms to both cause if they blow it's only like 150 for the redone kit

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