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difference between NS-1 v1 and v2 ?

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I had an issue with my NS-1 amplifier. It is a v1, the second edition of the v1.

Sundown wants to send me a v2 in a warranty exchange.

I need to know what did they change between v1 (revised) and v2 version. Because they're is a huge price difference to pay. :-(


I want to know if it is worth the money to have a v2, or if I'd better have it repaired.



Thanks for your help.


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Hope someone can answer this SOON for ya.

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The v.2 is a re-design -- the parts used are very similar with a revised layout and casing.

Reliability has been increased as has the overall foot-print (slimmer but longer... but overall less area taken up). The new layout was based on testing with the v.1 which has definitely increased the reliability.

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Thank you Sir ;)

I'm going to pay the huge fee for the v2 :(  :(  :(

Still need to make some more money...

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Thank you Sir ;)

I'm going to pay the huge fee for the v2 :(:(:(

Still need to make some more money...

nice I don't think you can go wrong with the v2.

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