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Ported Box Design for Xcon 15

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I have been messing around with SketchUp to design a box for my 15 Xcon, I have only built a few boxes all of which I used the re box calculator so this is new for me. I'm looking for any suggestions or recommended changes to what i have so far, as far as port area and tuning frequency. This is based off an estimated max size 34"w 17" h 18" d. (I'm going to make a test cardboard box to see the largest size that can fit through the opening) 

Box Design


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If my rough math in my head is close, that is around ~2.5 cubes before displacement and material thickness.  Have you checked out the free Sketch up downloadble models we have on the main site?

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Hey you're from Michigan too! Lol

But yea check out the pre done box designs Aaron is talking about and if not someone on here can design you one as well. Also don't use the re box calc. Use the Torres one. Type in google "Torres box calc" and it's a download off another forum. It's more accurate.

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Ill check those out, but correct me if I'm wrong, with inside dimensions of 25x15.5x15.75 wouldnt I be at 3.5 cubes? And that is without the port volume. I have heard that re is inaccurate thats why I was trying to make my own in sketchup, I can't seem to find a link for torres, it takes me to a site that is out of order any help?

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Hmm if you type in "Torres box calculator" in google it's the first link on the es em dee website. Like halfway down the first post is a link.

Haven't seen what the gross cubes are but the port will probably take up 1.5-2 cubes so subtract that from the 3.5 (if that's right) and then subtract bracing and sub displacement. Now you're really low on volume.

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You need 3-4 cubic feet before port volume. So really the total box size ends up being 5-6 cubes.

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Alright so on the torres calculator what value would I put in for a u shaped port like I have pictured? Is it the total length of the middle of the port? If so my math is spot on and I would have a gross volume of 4.81 cubic feet, with 3.5 cubic feet after all displacements. With the box tuned around 30 Hz and 13.2 port area per foot. Seems to me like it would be a decent box for a xcon. I looked at the predesigned boxes on the website but those are a bit too wide. I may also build a sealed box since I know I can fit the optimal size, whereas this ported is slightly smaller than the optimal 4 cubic feet. Anyway here are the specs, does this seem decent?

Box design 2

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Yea I guess it's something that will work. Could be better. What are your overall max dimensions?

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should sound decent.  My 18 X in my Zuk is a touch cramped- but it sounds pretty dang good.  A lil more volume would help- but that will work.

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I am trying not to build the box in the car so I'm limited as to what will fit through the opening. My max dimensions for height and width are 17" h and 34" w, the depth I am unsure of the max but i know for sure that 34"x17"x18" will fit. 

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Let me put in the dimensions and see.

Do you already have the sub?

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I don't have the sub yet, I have ordered it though.

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Just wondering seeing I would do an Xcon 12 instead since you could do more with It but the 15 will work. Have you thought about using aero ports?

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Ive have had both 12's and 15's before and just prefer 15's I guess. I have a dc lvl 3 12" right now and before that was a 15" BL love them both. As i said i am not against using a sealed box either. I have never used aero Ports before but wouldn't mine using them given someone who knows more about them would chime in on a good design for them

Edited by Fox351W

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