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Dealer selling FI products?

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Recently a memeber of ROE stated that someone (a dealer) was trying to sell him FI SSDs at an inflated price. When i saw this, it put a red flag up in my head.


Its a place called "Pure Pressure Audio" in Gainsville Florida, I just did a quick google and it came up


"- Install by Step Harris of Pure Pressure Audio"

was in his signature. So I'm assuming thats the guy who's trying to sell him the subs. And he said Step, so it seems to me someones trying to make a quick buck off FI

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There are no dealers period...if people want to buy them from somebody else they can...but there are no authorized dealers of Fi

Direct Only.

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Nick correct me if I'm wrong but buying direct is the ONLY way to get an Fi with FULL WARRANTY...

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We really cant stop someone from buying a Fi product direct and the selling it through their store. Kind of silly to pay more than the direct price for something... but I guess if the customer doesnt know at the time... :(

Fi is a direct only company, plain and simple.



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