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15" BL vs. Q

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I hate to bring up a vs. thread, but this one seems reasonable. If you read my thread in the subwoofer section, you know my deal. Basically i want to upgrade from an avalanche and I think i have decided on either the Fi Q or BL. Both will be receiving 1200 watts and be put in a 3.5 @ 30hz enclosure.

From my other thread, i learned that the Q will probably work better in my box, but the BL will be louder in the end. I will probably build a new box come summer time better suited to whichever sub i get and to my car (hatchback=sub up).

Both subs are the same price...i won't be putting options on either...so i am pretty torn.

I have researched and found people to say the Q does not get that loud...actually that the SSD can get louder than it. I listen to more rap than rock these days, but if i get the BL i still want it to sound decent with rock. I will probably tune the new box no higher than like 33hz.

So what do you guys think? Sorry for the long thread, but i would really like to place the order soon.

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BL will sound decent...but its not a sound quality champion if thats what you are looking for. It'l do fine daily driving with rap/rock in a ported enclosure.

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Definetely not looking for an SQ champ. maybe 60/40 SPL/SQ mix AT BEST. I figured it wasn't going to sound like a fart cannon or anything but i wanted to make sure.

Last few questions, is 1200 watts a good amount of power, and what is an ideal box size/tuning that i should be looking into making during the summer to put the sub in.

Also, while i made the thread, might as well get a few more opinions...like do you guys think the extra output is worth the sacrifice in SQ? and i hear the Q has a very flat overall response. Is the BL like that or is just one of those low-end monsters. Anything else you would like to chime in about please do so. thanks!

Edited by Banshee

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check the sticky section for box recommendations...i personally think the added output is worth the sacrifice in sq, if thats what your going for

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Q's can get loud, they did very well in the big 12 challenge, but the BL's can get louder. If looking for more output over sq, I would def go for the BL's.

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