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bl's louder than q's off medium power?

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about to drop in a pair of d2 bl 15's loaded for daily to replace my d1 q's (to go a little easier on my american bass vfl 200.1, thing smoked on me before and cost over 300 to fix) in 8.2 cubes @ 32 hz. was pushing the q's to their limits, about 1300 watts each, and raising the load to 1.4 ohms (3kw at 1 ohm) i'll probably be giving the bl's about the same power, maybe a tad more.

can i expect the bl's to be louder across the board? will they still pick up the lows as well as the q's did or will i need more power to get that low end extension?

Edited by Slumpin

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They'll likely be louder..lows etc etc is all given to the install, once the suspension breaks in they will start to shine like the Q's did on the low end...you should have a decently similar response if you are putting them in the same enclosure.



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