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Can i get any good front speakers that i can run off of my headunit or do i need an amp.

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upgrading your speakers wont have a huge impact unless amplified properly. Do you buy a 1kwatt woofer and power it with 100 rms? that's like taking a 100 rms speaker and giving it 10rms from you h/u, it just doesn't do what it should. Get an amp.

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that's like taking a 100 rms speaker and giving it 10rms

I've done that...:D

Very different circumstances though, and not related to his question.

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Not really. Upgrading speakers and powering them from the headunit really doesnt make much of a difference. I didnt know this untill i powered up my first set using the amp...wow...

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Furthermore some speaker (components) will sound much much softer.... Mainly due to efficiency and RMS values.... I know when i threw my pair of A/D/S in they were considerable softer then my stocks and it literally scared the Bajesus out of me until i amplified them

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I simply meant that (as I've seen some people do) if you give a sub (or speaker) 1/10th the power it calls for it will rarely give you adrenaline pumping results. Give a 1000rms sub 100 watts, and I would not be suprised if you have dissapointing output-the same goes for door speakers. If your old speakers are blown you'll hear a big difference, but rarely will the lows be much improved, highs much crisper, or any of the things people are looking for. that's my experience and opinion.

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