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Aaron Clinton

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Status Replies posted by Aaron Clinton

  1. Hello guys ! how are you all ?

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Doing ok, just slammed as usual


  2. Why so dead?

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      You can help us get a little more traffic going ;)  I just sent out a newsletter.  :) 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Why so dead?

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      There is traffic on here, just need to see where the busy topics are.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Please bring back the Recent Topics section, I thought the forum was down for a while. I used to be able to post pictures from my phone and now I cant. Also the pictures in my build log are gone after the update, do I need to use a hosting site for pictures?


    Emojis for post dont work either.

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      We'd like to, but there is a bug in that part of the software, so we had to delete it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. What happened to the Recent Topics ?? Forum update ??

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      We had to remove some functions due to some security breaches.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Hello Aaron,

    Do you have HDC3 15s available ? I need another pair for a friend.  

  7. Hello Aaron,

    Do you have HDC3 15s available ? I need another pair for a friend.  

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      There are some American Bass options that are close.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello Aaron,

    Do you have HDC3 15s available ? I need another pair for a friend.  

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      I just checked and the HDC3 15's are out of stock.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Looking for news : SSA won't work with Fi anymore ?


    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Our build house for the Xcon and up, dropped all OEM production on the spot.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. I received my SSA tweeters today: so happy ( no tax at all).

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      That is awesome.

  11. Am i able to change the title of a thread? Maybe im blind on the edit button. TIA for any support/help

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      If you need help with that, the moderation staff can.

  12. No news about the new Fi products, here ?

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      They have not been taking care of their forum for quite a while.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Been a while since I've been on here. Who's the go to for getting a box built? Had argent audio do my last one, but I know he's not doing them anymore

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      There is the Khaotik Enclosures on the SSA Store, but they are a preset size mostly.

  14. Sold the Icon, looking for a pair of 12"d to go with my US Acoustics Mike.

  15. Huh, 6 years. Been a while...

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Glad you are back.

  16. Fixing the forum bugs.

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Should be able to change it from the drop down at the top left at your user name.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. There has to be a better way to get into my gallery and post new pictures, still cant find the Signature feature we used to have either. Love all the new upgrades on the forum but miss some of the old stuff.

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Part about the glitch that will get fixed.

  18. Looking for a pair of AA Carbon 7"  mids, new but if used ill take a look as well.

  19. Looking for a pair of AA Carbon 7"  mids, new but if used ill take a look as well.

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      The SSA mids are in production right now....

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. New lay out is looking great SSA, glad to see some changes in the forum area. Nice work Mark.

  21. Four Dayton Ultimax 18's sealed...Two Icon 18's ported....can't decide...

  22. There are some bugs with the SSA forum on Firefox.

  23. -40 lmao

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Let's work on getting that into the positives :)

  24. Took advantage of the last day for the 10% coupon on the SSA Store. Thanks guys for great deals and customer service.

  25. Yup...that's right ...it's only a pair of 12"....... LOVE these Icons !!
