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Sundown 100.4 with Morel Supremo Tweeters

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Hooked up my 100.4 today to SEA excel mids and morel supremo tweeters. Gain was set at half, headunit (pioneer 9800) volume was 42/60, and 12 db slope, and it blew them in one minute. Now the speakers are rated at 220 watts. It is a 6 ohm speaker but i was told it would run just as good with this amp and actually be easier on the amp. I checked the speakers after they blew with others and and i still got power from the amp. Any ideas?

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i would have to check. Could that have done it?

What are recommended starting settings for a setup like this - channel 1 & 2 tweets and 3 & 4 mids.

Edited by Smondo17

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i would have to check. Could that have done it?

What are recommended starting settings for a setup like this - channel 1 & 2 tweets and 3 & 4 mids.

Yes, absolutely. If the frequency was too low that would almost immediately blow a tweeter.

For the Supremo I would use the HPF on CH 1+2 about 1/3 to 2/3 up, and the LPF on your midrange on CH 3+4 about 1/3 to 2/3 up to match what you set the tweeter to (perhaps start at 1/2 way up and move back and forth from there to find your sweet spot). For added protection on your tweeter, also turn the subsonic all the way up on CH 1+2 where the tweeter is connected to further filter the really low frequencies.

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Ok thanks i am going to check. I believe i set the filters to about 1/2 way. For the range setting does that literally mean to multiply the freq of 50 - 500?

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Ok thanks i am going to check. I believe i set the filters to about 1/2 way. For the range setting does that literally mean to multiply the freq of 50 - 500?

Yes, indeed, you would need to enable to 10x feature as well to achieve the desired results -- otherwise the frequency would only be in the 200 - 300 Hz area at 1/2 way.

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let me tell you from my experience with the Morel supremo tweets.

im from israel, so morel aint that expensive for me.

i run the supremo 4" tweets, the CDM-54 and the 6" supremo woofer on active front.

i know morel say the tweet can hold up to 220 rms , but its BS.

i played with them alot, hooked up 5 different amps on the [sundown 100.4\xetec P4\genesis ST60\PG Xenon 100 and something cheap]

and i came to one conclusion after playing with them all [atleast a week each]

i had almost any amp set to 1800hz with a 6db cutoff , and as long as i left the GAIN setting at the most minimum, it didnt bother the tweeters at all!

as i touched the gain knob even a tad , the tweets would go mental!

leave the gain in the absolute minimum , the sundown 100.4 sounds great paired with them! just leave the gain at 0!

i currently run the sundown 100.4 on the tweeters , 1800hz and a 6db cutoff, for about 3 weeks now , for demonstration purposes for people, and the tweets just sound so yummy:D

leave the gain down, dont be a hero, its still a tweeter , believe me i blew more than one pair by playing with the gains [the xetec p4 blew em , and the PG100.4 blew them] just cause i touched the gain.

leave it be:)

Edited by katsooba

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Yeah its very misleading what they recommend. Originally i thought i could throw anything at them from the 100.4. I only had the gain a little less then half. Thanks Morel...

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You can throw anything at them, but the more you throw at them the higher you have to cross them over. Always, always start really conservative with new drivers and slowly turn things up. Many reasons why this is the best way.

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I don't think it was the power that hurts, it was the hertz that hurts.

Lame....I know but I couldn't resist. :stooges:

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should I have the channel 3 & 4 on range x10

Yes, you want it to match up with the crossover frequency for the tweeter crossover.

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should I have the channel 3 & 4 on range x10

Yes, you want it to match up with the crossover frequency for the tweeter crossover.

the supremos can handle about 150 RMS at 2.6khz\12db no problem

but be very careful and watch the cross settings, this aint no game:D

Jacob , i know been a long time, ill send you an email soon.

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The filters that are in my head unit should i use them or just pass them? I'm confused because for my mids the filter only goes up to 200hrz. I am running a pioneer 9800 headunit with SEAs Excel Mids. I have them running off channels 3 & 4 with the LPF around 2200 and subsonic around 200. The filter on the headunit right now is 200hrz at a 12 db slope. Almost no midbass but when i pass the filter it comes to life.

Also its not good to run an the amp without using all the channels correct? As in if the channel does not have a load would that hurt the amp?

Edited by Smondo17

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