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4vs.1 or less

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ok, i'm gonna risk one hell of a flamming here and ask you guys. i was nomeened R-tard of the month on CA.com for saying this so chances are it's gonna happen here too, but what the hell

K my question is can you guys hear the difference between a 4 ohm and 1 ohm load?

now im not talking about sitting in someone else's car and knowing it, but if you have a 2x2 sub and wiring it to 1 and 4 ohm load.

i have tried it with a two different amps(a 2 channel in 2 ohm bridge) and my current RF bd 1000.1.

although on a 1 ohm load and lower it ponds like a bastard it just sounds too off, sort of muddy...

this all applies if the amp is stable on those loads of course

just curious...

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In a word, no...

Going from an amp that has a low-impedance output stage to a high-impedance one is going to make a far bigger difference in DF...and even then, it might not be noticeable.

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My buddy had a 2x2ohm sub run in series(4ohm) to an Orion 225hcca amp. Then he wired it in parallel(1ohm) and we cetainly noticed a difference. If that's what you're asking. However if the amp is capable of doing both and the gain can be set in such a way that the output voltage ends up the same then you won't really hear a difference. In theory the larger load(less stress on the amp) should be cleaner. But you would have a hard time hearing it.

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yes thats what i mean..my hearing is far from perfect but i do hear the difference.. i don't set the gains with a dmm tho, just go by the ears

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haha just playin

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In a word, no...

Going from an amp that has a low-impedance output stage to a high-impedance one is going to make a far bigger difference in DF...and even then, it might not be noticeable.


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If you're just changing from 4 to 1 ohm on the same amp then of course you'll hear the difference because you're (theoretically) quadrupling the wattage

If you mean the same amount of power at 1 and 4 ohms then no, it's psychoacoustics

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well technically the higher the ohms the lower the thd will be, so at 1ohm it may 1% while at 4ohms it may be .05% but unless the amp has 10% thd at 1ohm you would need the hearing of a dog to tell a difference between the two and even then its really hard to hear distortion in subwoofers. so in basic the answer would be no.

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Is that a ported box? Coz I have read on ID's forum that you can hear the difference between class AB and class D.

They state that it has something to do with DF.

Don't flame me, I'm just the messenger ;)

Need to have a good SQ sub too.

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At the same power on a sub, you can't hear the difference between 1 & 4 ohms, the difference between AB & D amps, the difference between .0005% THD and 1% THD. You just can't.

Assuming a similar level of driver, 99 out of 100 people in back to back speaker testing AB comparisons will ALWAYS take the louder one. Pretty easy to see why you think you heard a difference going from 4 to 1 ohm as setting gains by ear will of course net a much louder sub at 1 ohm than at 4.

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