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well the new laws official

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Sarasota, Florida is now the most costly place in Florida to have a loud car stereo system.

with a new law that gives police the authority to impound cars if they can hear the tunes from 25 feet away there will be no first time offender warning in my freaking city no,

first-time offenders face a $74 fine for violating the city's noise ordinance, and a $125 towing fee to get their vehicles out of the impound yard. Better be careful with my new city. Gotta love the stupid old people in my state. Not that I'm not courteous at night hours and stop lights but wow. "get out of my state and go die somewhere else we don't want you" VCPR vice city public radio quote from GTA.

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I live in Daytona and this news sucks but just means people need to be smarter.

It will take care of the kids riding around trying to make noise to show off.

I know a kid who is about to turn 18 with already 5 tickets for his bass...

It may seem harsh but just try not to get caught :neil:

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I live in Daytona and this news sucks but just means people need to be smarter.

It will take care of the kids riding around trying to make noise to show off.

I know a kid who is about to turn 18 with already 5 tickets for his bass...

It may seem harsh but just try not to get caught :neil:

bump responsibly its a 500 dollar fine here in az... u see a cop turn it down...

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Like I previously mentioned where I live it's a fee and impound ( don't know exactly what the fee is off the top of my head but I know it's greater than 250).

Second offense they confiscate your system.

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if someone were to market this device, i'm sure it sell like crazy-

Companies who make radar detectors need to make a detector that can attenuate the stereo when a signal is detected.

If they were both bluetooth, that'd be easy.

I own an alpine w205 with blackbird II and when i receive a call, it just shuts off the music, i know it can be done but just don't know if it can be universal.

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Sarasota, Florida is now the most costly place in Florida to have a loud car stereo system.

Correction, it's the most costly place in Florida to be stupid with a loud car stero system.

Big difference :)

I'm all for it...

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